Inner voice

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, at dinner, my grandmother informed us that my cousin's newborn baby has been having seizures. My verbal filter did not switch on in time and I replied, "It's not a seizure if you're shaking it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 796
You deserved it 44 809

Top comments

snowboarder1417 2

Seems like your brain didn't turn on, let alone a filter


Hopefully grandma was close enough to slap you!

kawaii666 19

Awwww that sucks. I feel bad for the baby. The comment was funny but also pretty hurtful.

That was actually really funny. Good one! Sucks for the baby though.

Screw blaming the verbal filter; why would you have a thought like that in the first place?? That's a little bit disturbing.