
By liquidknight - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while trying to change my visiting cousin's opinion about our state being "redneck and white trash", we stumbled upon a proposal/celebration in a Walmart. So much for changing her opinion. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 559
You deserved it 4 179

Top comments

It doesn't matter what state you live in, that's Walmart.

IQuicklyEscalate 0

That means nothing… walmart is a very classy place.


It does not matter the state, while trying to convince someone that you have class you do NOT take them to Walmart.

That's the only big/major store a lot of places in the US have.

So you took her to a Walmart while on a mission to convince her that where you live is classy? Not a nice restaurant, a museum, anything like that?

davidn 0

Here comes honey boo boo child!!

loserboii 11

Well i'm sure it beats the it beats the most unclassy place, McDonalds.

kristenleanne09 4

Wal-Mart is the place to go in Texas! But in Cali, I'd always hear how NOT to go there. It's different everywhere :)

FreaksandGeeks 5

H-E-B is the place to go in Texas

kristenleanne09 4

For groceries HEB is the place to go, I'd admit it XD

UltimateGIRness 16

It all depends on location.... Some are good and some are bad!

UltimateGIRness 16

Look op,if our city slicker cousin don't like rednecks,don't take em to Walmart

My profile pic is a Wal-Mart wedding cake topper. On a side note, at least he proposed so it doesn't matter!!