Classic FML

By cpmolly - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Omaha

Today, I was waiting in line with my boyfriend behind me. I decided to hold his hand and rub his chest while we waited. Then I heard a female voice behind me that said, "Ma'am, please don't touch me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 544
You deserved it 17 409

Top comments

That is why you always double check before you touch someone. At least she was nice about it.


crazytwinsmom 25

OP needs to stay abreast of her surroundings.

HannaBeech 12

I'm sorry, but what does OP mean? I see it everywhere and have no idea what it stands for hah

Original Poster. The one who wrote the FML, in this case.

it'll be more awkward if the girl being groped didn't say anything until the op notices..

Franniee_ 17

How did you not notice it was a woman ?

I take it he stepped out for a minute...that's just a bit awkward...I take it you went for his hand first...and then noticed when you went for the chest...

How do you rub someone's chest from behind?

Epikouros 31

She could have been facing sideways, with her head turned towards the cash register, or whatever they were waiting for.

I'm trying to imagine how it is possible to run someone's chest who's behind you but also not turn around. OP you have some very peculiar bending arms

atleast she didn't resolved to hitting you for that...

How did you rub her chest if she was behind you? Like I can't imagine this at all