Baller move

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Tucson

Today, I got laid off. Walking out of the building, I saw someone on crutches and thought, "Hey, at least I can still walk." Two hours later, I blew out my knee playing basketball. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 502
You deserved it 8 291

Top comments

shyeahh_fml 19

Now you can be that guy on crutches that makes other people feel better about their situations! But I agree, that really does suck.

That blows. Lay off the exercise for a while.


nothing wrong with saying karmas a bitch because honestly if the first part of the fml wasn't there and it was just about him breaking his leg he would get so much hate. don't allow him to be a dick just cuz he got laid off

Hey, at least your story got published on fml.

I'm more concerned with why you were playing basketball after getting laid off and not looking for another job...