
By Anonymous - 03/05/2022 10:00 - United States - Sardinia

Today, I got a text from my ex-girlfriend asking me if I wanted an old college hoodie back. I said yes and thank you, and she replied saying, "Well I don’t respect you, so don’t contact me again." FML
I agree, your life sucks 894
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ten bucks says that the second text was from a manipulative boyfriend who got hold of her phone and didn't want her texting you.

This could be an FML on its own but I used to have a hoodie from my alma mater that was super oversized (bc honestly you don’t need a man in your life to to have a big comfy hoodie lol) My ex took it when I broke up with him and I found out later that he would wear it and tell people that he went to that college (he very much did not)To those saying that women always get custody of can happen the other way around.


Ten bucks says that the second text was from a manipulative boyfriend who got hold of her phone and didn't want her texting you.

Grumpy Jack 26

Or maybe she's just sick bitch !

CakeEater 15

It's in the unspoken relationship rules that girls receive ownership of all hoodies and sweatshirts while you're dating, and once they leave your house it's gone for good.

This could be an FML on its own but I used to have a hoodie from my alma mater that was super oversized (bc honestly you don’t need a man in your life to to have a big comfy hoodie lol) My ex took it when I broke up with him and I found out later that he would wear it and tell people that he went to that college (he very much did not)To those saying that women always get custody of can happen the other way around.

Grumpy Jack 26

First, she texts you about an old hoodie and then she wants no more contact with you without even giving your hoodie back ? Is that what happened ?