Advent calendar time!

By firemansam - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, I was out selling Christmas-themed calendars for charity door-to-door. I rang a doorbell and a wild-eyed man appeared at the door, shouted about being "on nights" and that I'd woken him up, called me a "bell end", threw a newspaper at me and slammed the door in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 556
You deserved it 29 743


texas_redneck88 10

Clearly 6 is not aware of that subtle form of expression. ;)

A bell end is referring to the tip of a penis. I'm guessing OP rang the doorbell more than once to illicit such a response, so YDI.

Yes #12, he obviously deserves it for being a door to door sales man for a charity. Seriously, you're a dumb bitch and I hope you never get help from anyone.

Oops. Didn't see the charity part in there. My bad!!

AliCat18 12

YDI- I hate it when people irritate me at home in order to sell something! If i want to donate money i will in my own time and if i want to buy a calender i will, i do not need someone annoying me at my house in order to do so!

thesunsetglow_fml 8

50- most people will not donate to charity unless prompted to do so (as in given the opportunity to donate when someone comes to your door). Most people are selfish and lazy and just don't care, as you seem to be. The op is doing a great thing for their community and you're too ignorant to understand that? This is why the world is in trouble.

Well maybe you should stay away from all media outlets because the ads are telling you to buy this and then you'ld probably buy it.

The majority of charities are scams anyways... A smaaallll fraction of the money donated actually goes towards the cause.

Muslimgal92 0

I thought this FML was going as a Pokemon story when he said a wild eyed man appeared lol

enonymous 8

Christmas themed!?! Where is my Robonukah calendar!?!

The simple solution for irritating solicitors is a "No Soliciting" didn and an angry sounding dog doorbell.

christinecorujo 1
The_Troller 14

I always thought YDI stood for "you dumb idiot"

If the FML said, 'I rang this guys doorbell at 3am to get money for charity and he yelled at me and threw a paper', I wonder how many people would change their vote. Regardless of the cause or whether or not there was a sign. Can't really blame the guy for expecting to sleep through what is basically his 'night'.

So many calendars did you sell him, OP?

Most charities give at least 60% of the money. You can find out much they give per dollar, it's common knowledge

harbqll 0

Ok, 53. How about if someone comes knocking on your door at 3 am to solicit for a charity? Or did you miss the part about him working nights?

151/178 - How was OP supposed to KNOW that this guy works nights? Was s/he supposed to look at his house and be like "Oh, he works nights; I won't bother him."

NurseHolly 3

Doesn't really matter if they know or not... It's still irritating! People tend to ring the doorbell or knock more than once because there's a car in the driveway... I've never thrown a paper but I've definitely slammed a door or two!

AliCat18 12

53- you know nothing about me. I work with 4 different charities and help them organise events for them to raise money so please don't assume that you know the world as I am not selfish and lazy. the difference is that i know its ******* irritating when people bother you at home. rather organise an event to raise money as you would get much more and people don't have to be irritated. like you said some peolpe are to selfish so if they don't give during the year what makes you think that someone interupting them at their own homes will change their minds in order to give money?!

DioMaledica 14
bacon12 0

A bellend is british slang for "dick head" haha

not exactly, we british also call people a ******** a bellend/ cockend is another of our many insults apologies if this looks condescending that is not my intention

thank you for explaining. now i have a new insult

builditbetter09 3

Then he finds out it was yesterday's edition.

There are far better ways to solicit donations rather than disturb peoples privacy in their homes.

badmandilon 19

There's several ways to let people know you're not available (and at the same time not having to explain that you work at night) . A simple sign outside your door would be just enough.

MerrikBarbarian 9

I dunno, most people fail to read. I had a sign that clearly said "no sales people or solicitors"... And people still rang the damn bell to try sell me stuff. I took to just saying "read please" and shutting the door in their face. If you can't take the time to read, I can't take the time to listen.

There are signs at the start of every court in my condo city that say no soliciting (and they can get fined as per town ordinance for disobeying the signs). It's never stopped anyone before.

Badmandilon, he was likely mashing the doorbell button and "forgot" to mention that in the FML. Ringing the doorbell once wouldn't make someone instantly wake up, and he sure as hell wouldn't still be on the front porch by the time the guy got dressed, out of bed, and to the door. OP was likely being an obnoxious twat.

texas_redneck88 10

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erikabt820 2

Hasn't your mom ever told you not to go sell door to door to strangers?

No moms says that? Its dont talk to strangers, like people who approach you in the street or offer you candy. Idk what else your mom tought you

Omgpwned1234 0

Zzzzzoooom *flys hand over head*

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What are you on about? Guns weren't mentioned.

as someone who worked thirds i can understand him not wanting to be woke, but i always hung a sign on my door explaining this to people so they would not knock and wake me up so its his fault for not doing this. Whats a bell end????

Rick_S 3

I was thinking this very thing. If I worked nights, I'd be sure to hang a sign saying "do not disturb" or something. I'd probably also find a way to turn off my door bell with a switch so I could turn it on and off.

Exactly. " No Solicitation". Enough said.

It's an English term for the head of the male genitalia.

bellend is like saying ********. yer us english have some weird slang. lol

MerrikBarbarian 9

Except for the fact people are too dumb or self important to read such signs. I had one up while working as a programmer because I would be going to bed at 3-4 am so morning people where not appreciated. People still would ring my bell. When I disconnected that they would knock non stop.

I always just ignored the door. Eventually they go away.

yes but your english slang is so much more dignified. LOL it just does not sound as crude. well at least to us americans. i think its so funny my conservative husband has picked up saying bloody for things. i dont know if i should tell him it basically means ******* or not...least i am pretty sure thats what it means