By Merith2004 - 04/02/2014 05:18 - United States - Spring Branch

Today, while at a funeral for a distant family member, I was giving my condolences to the family. When one of them asked how I was doing, I replied with, "I'm still alive!", which is one of my standard responses due to being a cashier and being asked that question a hundred times a day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 890
You deserved it 12 694

Merith2004 tells us more.

hey everyone. thanks for being understanding for the most part. this was just one of the "I wasnt thinking" kind of things. dont worry though: I got several slaps on the back of then head from cousins who were in earshot.

Top comments

MxAxRxCxO 30

Poor choice of words under the circumstances, although you meant no harm

StompinOnCrayons 15

Well, at least you are alive !


Queen_of_Night 20

Who's now singing "Still Alive" by Johnathan Coulton after reading this?

Coyotes_student 2

Same thing happened to me with my in-laws. Hope your recovery was good.

fuggotmuggot 14

Try to change up your responses as a cashier.

I'm sure the look of shock on your face after saying it gave away that you didn't really mean it in that sense

That's funny. Cause that's my answer and what I always tell the customers after they answer me. Lol.

I feel ya bro! Fellow cashier here so I know your pain. FYL indeed.

although you meant no harm, being a cashier does make you respond with things like this. I would have apologized saying it's a habit from work

happyfingers 15

I know what you mean about it just being an automatic response. When my boyfriend and I go out and someone he knows sees him and asks "How's it going?" no matter how much fun he may or may not have just been having he will always respond with a near monotone "it's goin." Almost insulting -.-