By caggybandicoot - 18/06/2016 02:37 - United Kingdom - Torquay

Today, someone finally came to fix my phone line after three weeks with no Internet. The engineer reconnected the phone line to the wrong apartment. I hope my neighbour is enjoying my unlimited broadband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 748
You deserved it 1 332

caggybandicoot tells us more.

OP here - can't believe this got published?! I immediately phoned my ISP once I'd figured out what happened - I couldn't reconnect the line myself as I can't access the exchange box (and plus I wouldn't trust myself to be fiddling around in there anyway), and my internet has been restored. As for compensation, I should be getting a portion of my bill back as it took them so long to send an engineer out. Thanks everyone!

Top comments

Well, assuming the previous 3 weeks without Internet were the fault of the company as well, I would look for some sort of compensation

Roskosity 22

I hope they come back right away to fix that!


Roskosity 22

I hope they come back right away to fix that!

maybe it's a conspiracy.. the government is behind all this..

How does one even do that? I hope they fix it immediately.

Well, it is an apartment. I can't imagine it's very hard to accidentally misread an apartment number.

Usually when engineers come to fix your phone line, they test it by telling you to check your home phone. If it's dead (the line) it's not fixed...

#9: Engineers don't install/ fix phone lines (they design the electronics/ write software/ etc. back in the offices.) but technicians do.

Sorry for my mistake #15, usually in arabic countries we refer to them as electricians or engineers... but if it is to do with phone lines we refer to them as engineers. You learn something everyday ;)

Well, assuming the previous 3 weeks without Internet were the fault of the company as well, I would look for some sort of compensation

born_hustla 26

Disconnect it and call them back!

Call your internet provider again, I hope they can fix it soon.

OP here - can't believe this got published?! I immediately phoned my ISP once I'd figured out what happened - I couldn't reconnect the line myself as I can't access the exchange box (and plus I wouldn't trust myself to be fiddling around in there anyway), and my internet has been restored. As for compensation, I should be getting a portion of my bill back as it took them so long to send an engineer out. Thanks everyone!

we had an opposite problem our neighbor got their net cut and ours was cut instead. our phone is over the internet. we had no phone or net for a week.

can you tell me what internet provider you use much appreciated

I cannot believe that it's not a regular part of the repair process to check and make sure that the repair you did is working before you leave that kind of error is real easy to make in a phone closet or as you call it an exchange box that's why testing is a normal part of the repair process

Kristoffer 35

It is, but the tech likely got complacent. This incident should help remind him not to do that.