By BuggedinBelgium - 24/09/2015 20:15

Today, my sister and I checked into our cheap hotel in Brussels as part of our month-long Europe trip. At 11pm we awoke to the sound of a mouse chewing through a bag of food we'd bought. At 3am we awoke to bedbugs. We slept in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 054
You deserved it 3 847

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You get what you pay for! Hotels in Europe are definitely more expensive, but the cheap ones are always cheap for a very good reason.

Mouse? Not bad. Bed bugs? The creatures of hell. Don't cheap out next time, OP. Bed bugs are hellacious.


You'd probably be better off staying at a hostel.

MadoromiTenshi 9

Get out at quickly as possible!!! Bedbugs can travel up to 50ft in one night. So the bathroom is still a danger zone for you both. After leaving wash all clothes in a laundromat on highest setting. And also make sure to clean out any luggage you brought there. Those things are a nightmare!!!

Attacksloth 33

If your name is Johnny then I think my wife's cousin posted this FML.

My brother went to France on a Rotary Exchange trip, and he too encountered many bedbugs. Also, my family had a bedbug infestation when I was about 9 (I'm 14 now). If I can make it through, so can you! Good luck OP!!

Didn't expect that from Belgium lol, for real?

You don't need to wash everything, but you should put all the clothes in the dryer (it's the heat that kills them, so just the dryer is enough) and wash your bags or suitcases as well to make sure you don't take the bugs with you.

Someone call the hazmat team. And out these people and the hotel under quarantine

How did you wake up to bed bugs? They hide and you can't feel their bites? Their whole deal is making sure you don't wake while they're feeding on you

PM me, and you van stay here. 20 Miles from Brussels. I'll play your guide.