By baxeh - 12/09/2013 11:47 - Sweden - Kristianstad

Today, my partner walked in the room wearing a sweater from my wardrobe, making jokes about it and saying how ugly it was. That sweater was the last thing my father wore before he passed away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 019
You deserved it 4 106

baxeh tells us more.

Well, it's not the most dashing sweater, and i know it's an easy mistake to make. No point in getting upset over nothing really. Just felt like the moment belonged on this site, i'm glad the FML got posted, and thank you for all your comments!

Top comments

Sorry to hear that op,that was harsh but your boyfriend didnt mean to hurt you

Could have been worse. At least your partner didn't say, "I wouldn't be caught dead in this".


When my Uncle Eric passed away six years ago, we had to clean out his place. I took two of his sweat pants, his work jacket which had his name on it (he had his own company before he got sick) and his sweatshirt. I wear them to this day and it makes me closer to him. His work jacket is stained and torn, not in the best of shape. His sweatshirt is paint stained. Do whatever you need to do to knock some sense into this jackass roommate of yours and proudly wear your father's sweater.

Mr_Mole 24

What a strange thing to keep. What next, the last plate he ate off?

My grandma died 3yrs ago. I keep a mirror she had over the couch she always sat on. Now it hangs beside my bed. Some of us grow emotionally attached to things after suffering such great losses.

i kept my grandfathers jacket what are you gonna say im weird now too ???????????? your an A*****e have a heart

I carried my grandma's silk scarf around with me for months after she died and I still have it. Jackass.

Mr_Mole 24

There is a difference between a sentimental keepsake, and something they just happend to be wearing before they died. It's just morbid. And if it's so precious, then keep it out of the way.

I think you don't quite get what sentimentality is about.

Mr_Mole 24

Why not pick something that has a better significance for a sentimental keepsake. Maybe a favourite sweater would be a better choice instead of a random item he used in his last days.

You're such a D-bag. I still have, and wear, my older brothers sweatshirt and I spray his cologne when I'm missing him. Clearly you've never felt the pain in losing one of the closest people to you. Get a heart.

This is why people I date and am friends with know which things not to touch. I usually keep mementos from deceased/favored family members in a box, but there are a few items that I have out.

guci101 14

... You wear the sweater your father died in?

#6 you'd be surprised, some are just clueless and forgetful.

to clear things up, i do not know what he wore when he actually passed (hopefully he wasn't naked #26). However I'd spent the weekend with him and he passed suddenly the day after I left. He wore that sweater over the weekend, thus to me it's the last thing he wore. #40, it might seem like a strange thing to keep but we all associate different things with different memories.

Mr_Mole 24

Your memories will keep you warmer at night then an old sweater. They won't fade with age or get worn by boyfriends either.

MissCharlotte_fml 26

Mr Mole, you have made a lot of comments on this FML and they are all rude and douche-y. You have absolutely no right to judge OP and tell him how to mourn. So just shut the **** up already!

if they thought it was so ugly why would they wear it in the first place.

If the sweater was ugly, now it was ugly when your dad wore it too. Tell your partner doesn't matter if the sweater is ugly or not, it's important to you. Sometimes when people we love pass away, their personal items help us to deal with loss. If you don't want your partner to wear/ make fun of, you could always pack the sweater away.