By Noname - 06/03/2009 19:04 - United States

Today, my daughter asked me when was the first time I had sex. After I told her 22 she quickly shouted, "Beat ya!" She's thirteen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 702
You deserved it 106

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ndrocksmysocks44 0

hahahahah 23!!! noname means they didnt put in a name :D epic fail

i hope #23 is just being sarcastic but anyways, that's horrible and sad. HAHAHAA. not the fact that she beat you but the fact that she's ******* with boys when she's 13. make sure she uses a condom or your grandchild might beat you too.

justshootmenow 0

u have like 3 posts today, im guesing all fake.

kagome_eb 0

SLAP HER! dam listen and listen well mother! when I was 13 a girl in my classroom run away with her 21 year old bf because she was prego! so you better teach your daughter to be a lady and be careful or you will lose her.

ionelementz112 0

You were probably the cool parent, too. Until she found out how bad she beat you. Hope it was worth it.

You guys need to stop saying she's a bad parent. Go back to your days in school and remember those incredibly stupid kids that didn't get anything. There's just some people you can't teach.

Nana_fml 0

I hate to say this but kids are not innocent... I first had sex at 16 and i was one of the last ones out of my hs at that age. My best bet is not to be too harsh on her bc if she is tellin you than that means you have a good relationship with her and you do not want that to end. Also, give her advice, put her on birthcontrol and make sure she is well aware of the consequences. A lot of people worry about getting pregnant but no, worst case scenario is catching an STD. And at her age, I'm sure she thinks that something like that could never happen to her. So my advice, birthcontrol and condoms!!!!

You need to whoop her. She's CLEARLY too grown and needs to be put in her place if she's having sex at 13...

Wow, that stinks, I'm sorry. Kids these days, they're growing up faster than they realize, and I can't tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing. At 13, I was still playing video games and such with my sister. I feel you, and I'm only 21.

lol whos 13 and plays video games woth their SISTER?! SOUNDS LIKE A BIG OL' LOSER!!!

rcloca 10

You sound like "A BIG OL LOSER!" for saying that.

JeanNe91 0

she's really not a bad parent! kids can be taught good things, but media always pollute their minds with the opposite. just try and not let your daughter become a *****.