By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 04:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend sent me a text telling me to turn the radio on to a certain station. When I did, there was a talk show on, and the host was ranting about how important it is for women to control themselves and not be emotional. My boyfriend continued texting me, asking if I was listening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 189
You deserved it 14 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Slayer_fml 0

Yes, it's very important for us women to not be emotional and to just shut up and listen to our men. Emotions, you see, are not natural parts of life, but irrational outbursts that we must learn to control! Your bf is a jackass.


wotchersarah 0

#1- so anyone that is bipolar shouldn't be in a relationship? :|

angelslayer 0

why dump him.... he's stating his feelings, stop being emotional bitch.......

I hope you broke up with him, because he is a sexist jerk. Don't ever be afraid to express how you feel, it's healthy. Also, if he makes you emotional then he does not deserve the emotion known as love. Take out the trash hun because he is just emotional BAGGAGE.

justinsbaby291 0

uhh ur guy is obviously a dick and does not care about you enough...dump his sorry ass

StupidMe_fml 0

That sounds like the guy I was dating. Tell him to go **** himself.

#1 - that's rude and helps promote the stigma around bipolar disorder, aka you're a douche bag. And to the poster, you totally deserved it, you probably amplify the fact that you're a girl so it's okay to be overemotional and bitchy and I bet you believe in PMS too.

Kaitykins 0

No matter if your emotional or not, that was a pretty messed up thing for your Boyfriend to do.

bigcrazymike 6

Yeah, well, it's important to be in control of your emotions. At least now you can be sure of your boyfriends opinion of you.