By Not a programmer yet - 01/09/2015 15:30 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my boss told me that the company will be hiring a programmer for our department. I had the idea for the position when we went over my 3-year career path last month, but it wasn't approved. I now get to look over résumés from other people applying for my dream job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 723
You deserved it 1 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you could ask about it before starting to look through the résumés

Redgy22 26

You could submit your resume' along with the others. I'm assuming, of course, that your boss gets the final say.


That sucks OP. My boyfriend's bosses were hinting at a promotion for him and then instead asked him to train the new guy filing that position...

hoosiergirl94 31

Why don't you just apply for the job?

bosses aren't smart but their underclassmen they look good when they steal your idea!!

Step olio to the plate and ask for the job! Get some motivation and go get your dream job

Study the resumes carefully to figure out the best experience you can seek to get that dream job somewhere else. It might not be on their three year plan for you, but it can still be on yours.

If it's your dream job just ask your boss if you can apply to the position. From my experience companies like to hire from within.

My dads boss used to do that a lot. It sucks, but hopefully you'll get a chance in the future with a better job

Sathane 21

Slip your own resume in there then hand that to your boss.