By AnnoyedSister - 30/12/2013 22:28 - United States - Arlington

Today, my 12-year-old daughter glued her left eyelid shut with fake eyelash glue. After spending 4 hours in the ER, I asked her why she did it. "I wanted to get Blake to notice me," she said. Blake is our neighbor's convict son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 224
You deserved it 4 389

AnnoyedSister tells us more.

Hi everybody! OC here. I guess I didn't put enough details in my FML as I could: So I'll tell you all the WHOLE story. Blake is 17 years old. Yes he is a convict currently on parol. I cannot remember exactly WHAT he did, but I believe it was either Breaking and Entering or he stole a car. I'm not positively sure. Also: I could not get off the eyelash glue with warm water or make up remover because her eyelashes were going inward towards her eye and frankly, my daughter wouldn't stay still long enough for me to even try. To all the commenters who said "Keep an eye on your daughter." Nice pun. But she is twelve years old so I'm pretty sure even if I tried to pay attention she'd say something along the lines of "Go away mom!" Or "What do you want?!" So yeah. Blake also does NOT flirt with my daughter (thank goodness) and they've only met once, when they moved in. The funny thing is, he can't even get her name right. Her name is Violet, but he insists on calling her Veronica. So, no marriage plans yet! Yay!

Top comments

You should tell her that the boys that will only notice her for her looks aren't the kind of boys she should be after.


your username says annoyed sister, but the fml says it was your daughter.. well was it your sibling, or was it your daughter!! this is onviously made up

Smart Girl, she knows that a guy like Blake will punch her eye shut sooner or later, so she's in training for it.

As an ER nurse I would have triaged her to the waiting room with a warm wet washcloth. And everyone would have rolled their eyes if she used EYELASH glue on her eyes. It's made for them and comes off pretty easily.

As a seventeen year old boy named Blake who lives in the United States, I find this rather strange. Although I am not a convict, I now have to wonder what 12 year old likes me...

Why did a 12 year old need fake eyelashes?

#147 It's in the FML why she thought she needed them.

Tsukiyomi 16

A whole new level of NOTICE ME SENPAI

Your kid needs guidance. What are you going to do about this?