By Zoo - 07/05/2019 14:00

Today, I went to therapy. Previously, I had been given the task to write a list of things I hate about myself so my doctor could see what we needed to work on. I gave her the list, and she simply said, "Wow, I've never had someone give me such a long list." I had 55 items on the list. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 835
You deserved it 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this is true, you should definitely find a new therapist. Therapists are supposed to help you see the good things in yourself, not focus on the bad things. Tasking you to create a whole list of things you hate about yourself is terrible for your mental health.

Too bad you didn’t crowdsource the work — you could’ve given her a tome that Tolstoy would be proud of!


Too bad you didn’t crowdsource the work — you could’ve given her a tome that Tolstoy would be proud of!

pinkuser626 17

if this is true u should probably find a new therapist. that long of a list is telling but not unusual any therapist should know to not actually comment on that to the patient.

bloopaloop 27

Was being too competitive on your list?

56. You fart too much and they stink 57. You talk through movies. 58. You chew too loudly. 59. You’re rude to waiters/waitresses 60. You drive too close to the center line 61. Your cat sweater isn’t funny “ironically” 62. You use “literally” wrong all the time. I’ll think of more...

indienerdgirl 27

That was so unprofessional of her. I'm sorry she said that. Like you already don't feel bad enough. If you stay with her or see someone else I hope you get the help you're looking for OP.

look on the brightside, you can make a worthwhile list

If this is true, you should definitely find a new therapist. Therapists are supposed to help you see the good things in yourself, not focus on the bad things. Tasking you to create a whole list of things you hate about yourself is terrible for your mental health.

you shouldn't be a hater toward yourself now that you narrowed down most or all of the things you hate about you concentrate on what you like about yourself and at the same time try to fix or accept the things you dislike

In therapy it is vital to find someone you mesh with to achieve positive results. It sounds as though your therapist is a bit “judgy”. Don’t be afraid to keep looking and don’t take their response as a mark against you. They just might be a shit therapist

geniusness 6

Was "Making lists that are too long" on the list?