By JenniferMay - 14/10/2014 10:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I watched from my office window as a couple maneuvered their car to squash a dead pigeon flat on the road. I then watched as they got out of the car, set up tripods and started taking photos of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 286
You deserved it 3 226

JenniferMay tells us more.

OP here... I can't believe this got published. After I posted it I realised it was kinda more '**** the pigeons life' well, not so much, since it was dead. Basically I was on reception that day and I can see through the front door's window into the car park so I do tend to gaze out of it a lot. I noticed the dead pigeon on my way in but I was already running late so I didn't have time to pick it up or bury it. I promised myself I'd get it at the end of the day if it was still there... well as you can imagine, it wasn't :( About 11am I saw this car pull into the car park. At first it went right around it, but a few minutes later I saw it reversing. Then one person got out of the car, went behind it and looked like she was signalling to the driver where to drive. I couldn't look as the car went over, I swore I could hear the cracks from where I was, it was awful. The driver then drove off of it and parked on the curb. I was so shocked i was just staring wide-mouthed as the driver got out with a huge camera bag and tripod. They then actually picked the main body of it up and put it in their car. It was all over in about 10 minutes, honestly the most disturbing thing I think I've ever witnessed. Also, I'm loving all the bird puns. I guess that couple made a right 'tit' of themselves, eh? :P

Top comments

nightowl713 25

Anyone in the market for road kill art? Yeah, me neither.



And people wonder why there are so many Angry Birds.

incoherentrmblr 21

In this case sir, bird IS the word. ;)

Roskosity 22

Canary body quit with the bad puns?

orbit 22

Come on boys and gulls, quit it with the puns like #67 said to.

shanebob 15

Listening to you guys squawk back and fourth is tiring.

Personally, I'm raven over the greatness of these puns.

nightowl713 25

Anyone in the market for road kill art? Yeah, me neither.

Misswildsides 22

Reminds me of the time a huge road kill calendar was displayed at the front of a pet store I was at.

I don't understand how people get enjoyment out of the pain of others. And yes I know the pigeon was already dead but taking pictures of it? That is quite horrible!

Razi_tail 25

I agree. It's quite disrespectful to do such a thing.

While i agree, i think the bird was already dead.

33- If you read my comment properly you would have seen that I said I knew the bird was already dead. I also said that I didn't agree with the idea of them taking photos. So please next time don't be so quick to comment if you do not have correct information.

Taking such pic is not only disturbing but also disgusting.. gross!

Yeah but you also said "... enjoyment of pain of others." the bird was already dead so it felt no pain. Yeah I know you know the bird was dead, but honestly the peopke didn't hurt any one or anything. They are just sick bastards who take pics of roadkill.

Maybe they were using it in a presentaion against animal abuse.

Make it seem worse. More sympathy from the audience.

llamarrama01 21

There's two types if people in the world. Those who do.....that, and those who aren't mental.

cjwayy 22

I wonder if they do this often.

JMichael 25

I'm gonna go on a whim here and say yes.

They might say it's all for the "art".

tantanpanda 26
Wizardo 33

Just when you thought you've seen and heard avery-thing, this is just beyond fowl play.

ShadowlessSpear 21

Op clearly deserves it for twiddling her thumbs, just staring out the window like a total twat. Next time, mind your own business and you won't be disturbed for the rest of the day.

the hell? #23 now we can't even just stare out of window to relax?

salvorican 24

I didn't realize we had rules on where we can look. Unless it's perverted, then I understand.