By IHateGroupProjects - 25/04/2012 13:25 - United States - Riverdale

Today, I've now received my 73rd email in two days about my masters group project on policy recommendations for security reform. One group member has helpfully rewritten everything, and our project is now titled "Zeus's Earthly Kingdom." It's due today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 396
You deserved it 2 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments


7 - "Masters" refers to a university degree (between Bachelors and Doctorate), not an actual person :P

slimjim8094 12

That would really suck if you didn't have backups! You should have backups anyway, but if you've been emailing, the old ones are there in the old emails and the sent folder. No harm done.

That is why people hate group work and people in general! There's always that one asshole that's always trying to be funny and has no regard for anyone else's grade. Hope you were able to salvage the situation.

I hate group projects too! I had one last year for uni and I was supposed to put the powerpoint together but one of the girls wouldn't reply to any of my emails asking for her part. Then she didn't turn up on the day of the presentation so we had to do it the next week which means we missed out on bonus marks, even though everyone else had finished the entire presentation about a week before!

learn to spell correctly, idiot. it is not "Zeus's". It is Zeus'. you don't need an s after the apostrophe if there is an s at the end of the name like that. I mean seriously. That's like 5th grade English.

Actually, either is grammatically correct. Also, since OP was quoting what another person wrote as the title I really don't think there was any need for the 'idiot', idiot.

MissMisc3 7

#93 beat me to it. Either form is acceptible, and before you go calling someone an 'idiot' it might be worthwhile to brush up on your knowledge of capitalization. Oh, and a comma before "seriously" might be in order, so long as we're instructing one another.

Group projects are something everyone needs to be familiar with because once you start working, you'll be working within groups or dealing with people. Being able to handle all types of group members will show your resiliency.

School group projects and projects at work are two completely different things. At work you're all in one place and have the time to collaborate. In school, profs RARELY if ever give you time to do stuff in class when you're there, instead you have to balance work and class schedules and family to find a time to work outside of class, mostly argue over email and have ten minute get togethers while you hash last minute stuff together. Its a freaking joke.

You should have used a GoogleDoc or a wiki page. So much easier then emailing 73 times.

I freaking hate group projects. We had to do an essay in my L.A. class, and she put us in groups of four. One girl in our group, the 'popular' girl, had claimed her phone fell in the toilet, and thats why she didnt text us. We were supposed to email the essay back and forth. And text each other. I was sick the day before, and so the day we were supposed to take it home and type it, my group chose me to type it, saying I wasnt there helping, so I should. I told them I would be super busy, and not have time to type it, yet they made me do it anyways and told me to copy exactly what was on the page. A page was missing that had how the typing was supposed to be set up. Long story short, I got yelled at by our teacher for choosing to type the essay, and we got a D on our final exam. FML