By outthelabyrynth - 17/03/2014 19:41 - Netherlands - Egelshoek

Today, I realized I'm so scared of my manager that I don't even dare to quit my job. The same job I want to quit exactly because I'm so scared of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 817
You deserved it 10 375

outthelabyrynth tells us more.

First things first: I'm a girl, and I'm not a prostitute. (That would pay much better, though) I work at a restaurant with several managers who are all quite nice, but she's the boss of the whole restaurant so she's in charge of everything. Now the thing is, she's quite nice to everyone... Except to me. I don't know what she has against me, but working with her is like getting a constant shitstorm over you. Always mean comments, giving me the worst tasks, and no matter how I improve myself, it's never good enough. She keeps telling me I'm too stupid to work there (which I'm not, I have higher qualifications than everyone there, but I need the money to save up for college) and when other people make a mistake, she blames me for it. At this restaurant, when you want to quit, you have to tell her personally. The worst she can do is indeed yell at me. I'm not a shy person, but when people get angry at me or start yelling, I get really quiet and submissive and I feel like shit. I'll probably search for another job first, and then make up a believable story for why I want to quit, so she can't get too mad at me. Thanks for all the support and I'll do my best to stand up!

Top comments

colton_colton 49

Just quit and then RUN. You can make it OP :)

Wizardo 33

Unless you work for a bounty hunting firm, firm up and quit. Being so scared at work is hardly worth it.


Oh my goodness the exact same thing happened to me tonight!!!

So I finally put in my two weeks!!

ckyorelse 18

have you reported them to HR?

Oh I have so been there. I and several others resigned when our boss dropped dead of a heart attack. It was like "Ding dong, the witch is dead. I'm free, I'm free!"

Just never come back to work. she'll eventually get the hint.

First things first: I'm a girl, and I'm not a prostitute. (That would pay much better, though) I work at a restaurant with several managers who are all quite nice, but she's the boss of the whole restaurant so she's in charge of everything. Now the thing is, she's quite nice to everyone... Except to me. I don't know what she has against me, but working with her is like getting a constant shitstorm over you. Always mean comments, giving me the worst tasks, and no matter how I improve myself, it's never good enough. She keeps telling me I'm too stupid to work there (which I'm not, I have higher qualifications than everyone there, but I need the money to save up for college) and when other people make a mistake, she blames me for it. At this restaurant, when you want to quit, you have to tell her personally. The worst she can do is indeed yell at me. I'm not a shy person, but when people get angry at me or start yelling, I get really quiet and submissive and I feel like shit. I'll probably search for another job first, and then make up a believable story for why I want to quit, so she can't get too mad at me. Thanks for all the support and I'll do my best to stand up!

I'm exactly the same in confrontations, OP :( I hope all this goes well for you and you find another job soon! And never imagine boss in their underwear if you get nervous, it may be traumatic ;)

Ahhh good ol' Squidward can attest to that.

Oye! You listen to me girl..! You find another job.. Make sure they are not going to call back for feedback and you Give her hell before you go! My anger was welling up against her reading your comment.. Do not let it slide..!

OP, if you let a bully harass you, you are giving them the power. Whatever her reasons, they can only be petty. However, she has no right to treat you that way. I know it’s hard but if you fight back in a professional way, ie: saying calmly that you take responsibility for the mistakes you make only but she is not allowed to yell at you, she will back down. A bully is a coward and if she sees you are not scared of her (or at least pretend well enough so she believes it), she will leave you alone because she lost the power she has over you. If you don’t stand up for yourself she will carry on and what will happen to you next time you’re facing a bully? If you want to walk away from that job, do it, but not before you make a stand, if only for your own self-respect. You will feel so great afterwards. By the look of it, none of your coworkers has the balls to stand up for you even if you get blamed for their mistakes so you’d probably be better off leaving but not by the back door. It’s important for you. I used to be terrified of confrontations and I am still not very comfortable with them. Some people would take advantage of this and walk all over me. One day I had enough and I told these people to get lost and they left me alone. I now work in Sales for a big IT company and I dealt a few times with coworkers who think they are the shit and that they can talk to me down. One in particular called on me quite nastily for something he thought I did. I told him right away that it was the first and last time he talked to me like that and that I would never accept such behaviour, even if I made a mistake. I take responsibility for them but I don’t tolerate being disrespected. He was then all sheepish and apologized right away. I was shaking inside when I was responding to him but then felt so great for standing up for myself. Every single time it now happens with someone, I always respond right away. There is a girl in my team, who albeit being quite nice, has pretty poor social skills. In team meetings, she constantly interrupts everyone speaking (including the manager) and I am the only one who tells her that I am not finished when she does it to me. Then she lets me speak. I however always keep a cool and professional manner in these situations (which is vital if you want to be taken seriously) and now the people around here know that I am not to be ****** with and I barely ever have any problems with dickheads. I am not trying to pass myself as a super badass, I am far from one. BUT I give at least the impression and I know that I respect myself enough to defend myself when justified. It was hard work, but there comes a point in life when you have to decide if you want to be a doormat or a human being who deserves to be treated well. Sorry for the long post, it’s a topic that really goes to my heart and I hope you will read it and that it will help you. Good luck!

Goblin182 26

OP, you could find anotehr job and then just stop going to your present job, eventually she would get the picture. But that is irresposible. Whem you quit, just walk up to her and tell her that you have found another job and this will be your last day. (Normally I would recommend working a notice, but not in this case) When she starts yelling, walk away.

jazzy_123 20

OP apply for other jobs and get it! Then when you want to quit, just let her have it. If she really doesn't like you and a job wants to contact her, do you really think she'll give them good feedback on you? :/ honestly though, don't be scared. I would definitely let her have it and if she yells back at you that's when you say "doby has no master! Doby is a free elf!" and you walk out there with your head high! :)

toastedbagel14 3

She sounds like she's jealous of something you have.

bobbyguy 17

Why even make up a story? Just say "I'm quitting because you're a asshole" and then run out the door. That way she knows she is a asshole.

This kind of behaviour isn't acceptable in the workplace. Document the times she has made the workplace hostile for you ( bullying of any kind, rude comments, etc ), then document every time you talk with a manager about it. Go over her head if you have to, but get that proof! Once you do that, they will be forced to "re-train" her so that she stops her inappropriate behaviour. If she doesn't, and her superiors don't do anything, use the L word - Lawyer. You can absolutely sue them for a hostile workplace and failure to correct the problem. If it gets that far, they'll usually take action if only to prevent having to pay out. At the very least, you have proof for your next job that you left for a legitimate reason. Also, if they fire you for this woman's behaviour, you have evidence to support your side of the story. Especially if you want unemployment!

dat_becky 17

If it comes down to it you CAN just never show up again.. That would inconvenience her life a bit too >:) and don't include that job on your resume, she wasn't going to give you a good reference anyway.

Why don't you try recording her conversations with you? Then you can show them to her boss and explain your problem.

fooltemptress 36

While I understand the proper thing to do would be to tell her personally you want to quit, there is absolutely nothing at all preventing you from writing a letter and leaving it on her desk or whatever. What is she going to do? Refuse to let you quit and make you come into work because you didn't tell her face to face?

tayymeds 23

...Or after you get another job, tell her the truth that you no longer wish to work there purely because she makes the environment too unbearable for you. You shouldn't have to lie about the truth, especially when it is effecting you so much.

rawlings123 17

Just quit and walkout of there. Your not required to stand there and take shit from your asshole boss.

She must be really jealous about you for done reason

if your boss is only mean to you and doesn't think you are qualified enough then why would she be mad if you quit? quitting will probably make her happy. more than likely it's a bad relationship on both ends

CDGuadalajara 5

Sounds like Ramseys Kitchen amiga. It may be hell, but you still pull through like a trooper.

Let all your anger build up and tell her what you think of her without giving her a chance to speak then walk out fabulously.

**** her! Then you dont have to quit the job!

Hey OP Someone once wrote in here that not standing up to bullies is the same as giving them a free pass. If you have the oppertunity I think you should gather evidence and talk to your union. While it may be uncomfortable and you may tell yourself that it doesn't matter, then please do it for the next victim. She's a bully and your strength is needed.

You know, you dont have to write the same thing twice OP. We're not retarded.