By TinyDancer22 - 25/11/2009 16:57 - United States

Today, I put on my hazard lights, pulled over to the side of the road, and stopped traffic on a busy road to rescue a black cat that had been hit by a car. With everyone watching, I got a towel and slowly approached the cat. It was a garbage bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 556
You deserved it 36 746

TinyDancer22 tells us more.

Yes I have a towel in my car. I bring my dog to the beach all the time and use towels to cover the seats.

Top comments

Lol. At least your heart was in the right place.

Yatta_fml 0

Haha, well you had very good intentions, most people don't even stop to help other people.


Hey good for you OP for trying to do a good deed.

did you not pay attention in driving school do not endanger people in moving cars for an animal. never, do not have the authority to stop traffic nor the right. I love animals my self but I personally with not stop people to help. I have gotten out on an empty road before to help a turtle that decided it wanted to sleep there. I've had some one hit me cause the swerved out of the way for a dog, damaged my entire front end of my car, for a dog. I was inconvenienced for a week or two because some one though a dog was more important then their life. I love animals as much as any one, I have a cat and two rabbits I love very much. but on the road unless it was clear I would not risk my life for an animal. and its part of driving school.

I would do what ever it takes to save an animal even if its a squirrel, and yes i do care more about an animals life than mine or any other humans life.

TheBun118, if you could save a dog or a 5 year-old from a fire, you would save the dog??

So you're saying that if a dog was in the road, you would just drive on over it? Because I think the image of that burned in the brain would be worse the some car damage.

RadeonDerp 24

Seriously? You care more about a damn animal's life than a human? Wake up and stop being such a big asshat.

Same thing happened to me. But I hit the bag with a shovel before I realized it wasn't a cat. What a waste of energy.

starry_eyed 0

Good for you(: I wish there were more people like you in the world who were willing to exert actual energy to help another living creature. You're a good person, even if maybe you don't have the best eyesight haha

Good intentions, terrible execution. You could very easily have caused a serious traffic accident out of blatant stupidity. You stopped traffic on a busy road. You're lucky no people were injured this time. No amount of animal lives are worth one human life. By coming to a complete stop on a busy road, you're creating a traffic jam and increasing the chance that another driver gets in a car accident because they are not expecting you to randomly stop in the middle of the road. If you took the time to think things out, and were serious about helping the cat, you would have driven until you had a safe spot to pull over without causing a traffic hazard, then walked back to the cat to see if it needed help. Obviously, the OP is too self-centered to think about all of the people she is inconveniencing and risking when there's a poor little cat - err, I mean garbage bag - in need of saving.

She didn't stop, she pulled over, and apparently walked into the street. She risked mostly only her life, and if she wants to do that she can go ahead. I also doubt she stopped immediately; sounds to me like she MIGHT HAVE pulled over quickly but not irresponsibly, and she had her hazard lights on the whole time, warning others ahead of time and while she was pulled over. The only drivers who are going to kill her or kill themselves are the idiots who like to fly around corners or don't pay attention to the road. She caused a "jam" from other drivers slowly going around her. And, a life is a life. Animals will always contribute some way, whereas humans... humans, it's a toss up, which is sad considering we're SUPPOSED to be of higher intelligence. But, either way, life is life. Now.. OP, nice of you, but uh, how could you NOT notice it was a bag?

"Stopped traffic on a busy road" was the OP's wording. Not "Pulled over on the shoulder and let traffic go by". I think it's pretty clear what "stopped traffic on a busy road" means. It means they stopped and no one could get past her and it caused a traffic jam, which could cause an accident.

KeenBird 2

i dont think it would cause an incident if she had her hazard lights on, plus if people actually know how to drive they can stop pretty sure on time, and there would be no incident afterall

"Today, I put on my hazard lights, pulled over to the side of the road," THEN "and stopped traffic on a busy road" is what she said. Meaning, the traffic stopped for her, not her car.

One animal life is worth far more than even a million human lives, if you can't see that, then I pity the person you are.

KeenBird 2

#22 learn how to speak english first

As a vet student, I just want to say THANK YOU for stopping. So few people ever do. You should know that you made my day with this post. Yeah well, so it was a trash bag, but it's the fact that you stopped where so many don't that really counts.

lawllercoasters 0

LMAO. I laughed for 10 minutes at the picture that put in my head.