By Pooperscooper - 20/07/2009 18:45 - France

Today, I learned when you're babysitting a 5 year old, and you hear the toilet flush and then the words "uh oh", it's already too late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 452
You deserved it 36

Top comments

This would've been a way better FML if we actually KNEW what you had lost...?


sparxva 12

Not much of a babysitter, huh?

sftballdarlin_18 0

wow fail! i've known that for like..5 years! YDI

I'm going to say that either the kid went to the bathroom and used a little too much toilet paper so it got backed up, or they put something in to make it get backed up. Either way, you're a stupid babysitter .

rubina 0

the kid missed cuZ at the top it say popper scooper