By cheekychimp23 - 24/07/2013 12:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I had to help my constipated dog by squeezing crap out of her butt. This is a daily occurrence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 171
You deserved it 6 101

cheekychimp23 tells us more.

Just so people know I'm not a terrible dog owner - we have been to the vet numerous times and they told me it happens because her tail was docked too short when she was a puppy! I feed her oil but sadly it does not help. Sigh. Keep squeezing I guess. FML.

Top comments

You may need to change the dog food you are feeding her. Just a suggestion. It isn't right she should have that problem.

Dogs and cats tails are part of their spinal cord. When it is docked too short, the spinal cord became a bit mutated and can put pressure on the rectum, making it hard to poop. My cat is a manx so she naturally has to tail. Because on that her rectum is deformed and I have to help her poop sometimes. Two vets have told me that.


I think it's lovely that you're helping her regardless of the fact she's pooping. Some owners would ignore it and let them suffer. But you're helping her pass it through, and I personally think that's a very nice thing of you to do being a big dog lover myself :)

jweb1434 6

figure out a new diet for your pup. if that doesn't work, might have to put it down.