By iluvpeanutbutter - 29/01/2011 06:13 - Australia

Today, I got home from my holidays to find my flatmate has moved his girlfriend in without asking me. Not only does she walk around naked, she has also redecorated the rooms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 622
You deserved it 4 121

iluvpeanutbutter tells us more.

Hi everyone, I'm the OP here- I know this is ridiculously late, but whenever I tried to post when this was new, FML wouldn't let me. Anyway, the situation was that my boyfriend and I were living together, and a mutual male friend moved in with us as he and his ex had broken up. He started dating another girl, and 6 weeks after they started dating (while we were on holiday), we got home and found she had moved in without our permission. She had left crap all over the place, and moved a bunch of our stuff into cupboards (e.g. artwork, vases, books etc) and replaced it with her own stuff. As we had furnished the entire house, we were pretty pissed off. We were gone for 2 weeks. When we got home, she was walking down the hallway naked, and in the following days often walked naked from our flatmate's bedroom to the bathroom, or would just wander around the house in a bikini. She isn't hot; she looks like an absolute tramp. I've seen classier hookers on their corners. She was just an all-around cow. She didn't have a job, so she just used all our stuff (including my expensive toiletries). She had just turned vegetarian, and would pitch bitch fits if we cooked meat in the house (so I made steaks every other night). They ended up moving out about a month later.

Top comments

Tell her you're not comfortable with her walking around your house naked. And talk to your roommate about moving his girlfriend in without asking you, that was rude.


Thanks for making me search all around the comments before figuring out that you were referring to me. Next time try referring to a commenter by name. Now that that's out of the way, please rest assured that I don't give a flying **** if my opinion is requested, warranted, respected, laughed at, or even read at all. As I've said numerous times, The Mighty FML Deity created the comment section so people can speak their minds, even one as feeble as yours. I'm glad we were able to come to this understanding.

Acousticpixie14 6

...and speaking your mind is something you do wonderfully, Doc. Whether I agree with you or not, your comments are always a pleasure to read.

dude isn't that a pic of the guy off of full metal jacket??

prince122 0

lol bond me to I've always wanted to know

it's not really appropriate to do so though don't you think?