By Anonymous - 01/03/2009 20:02 - United States

Today, I got a phone call from my mother asking me if I was okay. Confused, I asked her what she meant. She then told me that my boyfriend had broken up with me, and she just wanted to make sure I was handling it alright. I had to find out my relationship was over from my mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 493
You deserved it 39

Top comments

lilnicky1226 0

Hows this for a break up: Going home for a week, so you and your bf can have some time apart. You tell him the day you're flying back, and he agrees to pick you up and take you back to the apartment you share. You get all excited, and fly out there, only to find out he DIDN'T come to pick you up, left you at the airport, blocked your phone number so you couldn't call or text him, and his mom, who actually TOLD him to do this, won't answer your calls, and you have to wait 2 hours to get a ride, then buy another plane ticket home again the next day. True story.


Two lazy illustrations in a row now... All of their comics are like that. The style doesn't detract from the humour, that's how you know it's funny.

FYLDeep 25

Kind of like how South Park is animated in the construction paper style. It's not about the looks as much as it's about the content. Of course, a lot of the reason behind South Park is that they make the entire episode in a week, but still.

And another two to come if you read the RHS of the webpage, its Cyanide and Happiness month, which makes me happy, FML and C&H all in one :D

PurpleHippo96 4

dudeee that sucks dingleberries!!!! aww but i love the illustration

how the hell did the mother know?!?!

wtf_kid 0

Cyanide and Happiness may be on to something.

at least his mom dint drive him to the girl hes cheating on u with...

ahahaha. I wonder how many people get this.

I didn't really like the other C&H comic, but this one is just awesome. People who think it's shit should really just read through all of their comics, and you bet they'll learn to love it.

Ahhaha. Like the Illustration.:) But oooo, Tough break OP. It just shows that your Ex is a coward. Now you kno what, and what NOT to look for in a Boyfriend. Good luck!

liongirlsec 0

the picture make it seem like the boyfriend went after the mom

no the picture is of her parents, and it's like a joke...justin didn't break up with her....but her parents were trying to end the relationship.