By iceicebaby - 06/12/2010 15:42 - United States

Today, I found out I have Raynaud's, a condition where your veins basically shut off all blood flow to your hands and feet if you get cold. Turns out "cold" for me is anything below 70 degrees. Oh, and I live in Ohio. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 790
You deserved it 2 888

pere tells us more.

pere 11

there's a few treatments that help stop the vasoconstriction, but most have side effects (of course!) so a first course of action is just to bundle up...which believe me, doesn't work nearly as optimally as it should! And yup, purple/grey feet when they warm up! Some people have really severe cases where open ulcers + gangrene can occur and yes, they really do lose fingers and toes :(

Top comments

xspaniardx 3

Wow. You should move to Florida or somewhere that's mainly always sunny!

I have the same problem and I also live in Ohio. I wear my coat and fingerless gloves all the time during class and when I got out. I bought a heater for my room and I have a bed warmer so I'm never cold at my house but when I go out...ugh it sucks. Just from getting in my car in the morning when its really cold within a few minutes my fingers are numb and white. I feel your pain.


I have Raynaud's too. When I was in holiday in Egypt, it was bitterly cold in this place in the desert due to some freezing winds, and everyone else was finding it a bit chilly, but weren't too uncomfortable. I was in severe pain. My Mum told me something along the lines of "everyone's finding it cold, just be quiet", really not understanding that my position was worse. OP, have fun. :(

I have Raynaud's too. As well as a condition that makes my fingers bent. And severe arthritis all over my body. I'm eighteen and would give anything to just have the Raynauds!! I live in a really cold place in New Zealand too! Heat packs and gloves work wonders

MermaidSongXOXO 6

FYL. Ohio: Hell of the Midwest. Where it can be summery in January and have blizzards in May. I'm sorry, OP. If you can, move someplace warmer. If you can't move, get a heater and stay inside whenever possible when the weather's cold. Gloves, long-johns, etc. will probably help, too.

nogoodloginideas 0

it's in the 40's in Florida right now. it sucks. last week it was in the 80's it was amazing.

Thecarpaltunnelo 0

I live in Ohio. It's currently snowing and I would consider it hell. If hell was cold...

and? ive had that since i was eleven. stop moaning and put up with it

Lol ha that sucks i have that and im always cold and i live in cali where its warm im always wearing a sweater

Crank 3: Polar Extremities. Starring Jason Stathom, that one lady who plays his wife whose name is irrelevant and Morgan Freeman as the guy who took his mittens and unknowingly released his icy cold fists of fury. Awesom-o 3k - don't forget Adam Sandler. Thank you, Awesom-o, and Adam Sandler as loveable sidekick with a heart of gold and a crotch of 98.6 degrees.

The best case scenario is that this is simply the first stages of your mutation, and as you mature your powers will too. Before you know it you'll be giving people frostbite just by shaking hands and making dudes wieners fall off every time you give an HJ. Sounds awesome to me.

I have Reynaud's too. To answer one of the questions, you don't "get" it, you are born with it or it develops naturally. Your capillaries are so small that circulation becomes problematic when it gets cold and your veins, arteries and cappilaries contract. I lose circulation in my hands and feet when it's cooler than about 60 degrees. It does suck, but getting a good pair of gloves and some of those mini- handwarmers is a big help. Good luck!

Gyrene2_fml 0

raynaud's is psychosomatic. Your brain has developed a conditioned response to the cold. Read the mindbody prescription by john sarno

Gyrene, as someone who strongly believes in the power of the mind-body connection, and who very often uses alt/comp therapies like biofeedback, CBT, and mindfulness meditation mong others, to alleviate physical problems, allow me to say this: Please, kindly STFU. Just as there's no such thing as a miracle pill, there's no such thing as a miracle book, program, or therapy. If it worked for you, great. That doesn't mean it will work for the exact same problem in a different body. Bodies are complicated; minds exceedingly moreso. Insisting that you have the one answer and evangelizing the masses is just as annoying and arrogant when the subject is health as it is when the subject is religion. You made your point earlier. By spamming it down the page, you're just coming off as a wanker.

Dude, you are a moron. Are you an MD? A scientist? Researcher? If not, please kindly STFU!!

126: Was that directed at me? The "please, kindly stfu" is throwing me off.