By goodbye - 09/03/2009 00:45 - Canada

Today, I finally got up the nerve to ask this really cute girl out I've had a crush on for over eight months. Turns out she isn't a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 447
You deserved it 127

Top comments

You know I'm in love with this chick Because it seems we really click There's no room for doubt I think I'll ask her out Wait... did you say she has a dick?

oooh, tough break. The last four girls I've asked out told me they only like girls. Keep swinging.


oi that sucks. back in middle i knew a guy who did almost the same thing except i am girl. he didnt know for almost a school year. we have pe together.

Really sucks man :( I'm wondering though, +eight months and you never noticed? -Mr Roboto

What I'm wondering is, how could you like this person for eight months, not even knowing him well enough to realize he isn't a girl? If you really had a crush on him, you should have at least tried to make friends with him months ago, and get to know him before trying to go out with him.

thedragonsword 0

ITS A TRAP. But seriously, i could see how that could happen.

firstnlast77 0

Looks like you're going brokeback

Blehstefany 0

Lol, that's just gay, sir. Maybe you just can date....her....him.... Wait are you REALLY sure? O.O TRAAANNNNYY. Ewwie. Dude, dude, DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY! :P

Matsim 0

It took you 8 months? What kind of loser are you?

alex_vik 0

...How the **** do you manage that one? There's so many differences between guys and girls it's not even funny. I mean, unless he looked like that Bill guy from Tokio Hotel, I don't see how you could get that mixed up.