By amusedslovenia - 07/09/2012 18:19 - Slovenia

Today, for the third day in a row, my 10-month-old is refusing to eat any of the meals that I prepare for him. He will however eat anything semi-edible lying on the floor, cat kibble included. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 459
You deserved it 2 537

amusedslovenia tells us more.

amusedslovenia 5

OP here... My son is 10 months old. I'm really at my wits' end. He had been a good eater from the start, unlike his older brother who I couldn't get to eat anything either. I set out to feed my kids all organic, home-made, fresh and so forth. I gave up with my first after having spent literally hours a day preparing healthy, nutritious and yes, tasty foods that he wouldn't touch beyond a spoon or two. My two year old grew fine on very little food and now eats the same we do. My younger. however, is tiny for his age - he wears clothes for 3mo (but developing normally, thank God, and the pedi's not concerned). I can only get him to taste a spoon of something and then it's over. But anything he picks up from the floor (bread crumbs, and yes, cat kibble (food), he will eat. And scream when I take it away from him. Maybe he's on a strike or teething or... I don't know. Maybe I should start placing food on the floor for him LOL.

Top comments

BubbleGrunge 18

OP, I'm a nanny and I have been a preschool teacher for eight years. The key with children is not to allow them control of their diet yet at the same time do. Offer him a variety of food items, and let him eat what he wants from the plate of food. If he doesn't want to eat anything you've given him, then let him down and don't sweat it. Children will not starve themselves I promise! Be consistent with offering him foods, offer him food at ever eating time his schedule is on. Teeth are a huge issue with babies ad toddlers, as well as food textures. If your baby is teething, chances are something cool with sooth his gums and make him less grouchy/against eating. They make pouches you can shove frozen fruits or anything cold or frozen in. The child can hold them, and eat them at his leisure. I'm not sure what they are called, but it looks like a net on a ring. Now, textures are a different issue. As children grow, their soft pallet and taste buds change as well. If you notice your baby isn't into a certain food, asses the texture of it. Is it too hard, soft, mushy,etc. Then, try something with an opposite texture. Good luck, children can stress you out without even trying I know!


I could give him a smack and make him sit there until it was finished. Then I would tap his hand if he tried to eat anything from the floor. Children at that age are starting to push the boundires.. let him know who's boss and even though you are his friend, you are his parent FIRST.

Moobug 4

I dunno about this advice... I never smacked mine when they were babies, even a tap. Their skin marks so easily at that age it's so difficult to tell whether your tap gave the intended short sharp surprise, or whether it actually caused pain. If my toddlers were badly behaved, I told them 'no' loudly and sat them on their backsides away from the focus of their bad behaviour. They hated it and stopped what they were doing. Then again, it doesn't sound like this baby is being naughty - just exploring their ability to refuse and control.

Coeliacchic93 21

I was never hit as a child and I turned out perfectly fine. If I was naughty I was put in the corner and ignored. If it wasn't anything too naughty I was allowed a book to read although once I was allowed to move I'd get another book and happily sit there haha. But as other have said this child isn't being naughty. They are just developing their own personality :) likes and dislikes etc

Sounds like my chickens, minus the hitting. You shouldn't be doing any type of physical punishment to babies because they just learn to rebel. You also don't want to forcefully feed them if they are not hungry.

hxcbarbie21 4

My daughter did the same thing but she only wanted to feed herself. Make sure he/she is well hydrated and they should be fine.

You people commenting on here are retarded. The child is ten MONTHS old. That means he's a baby. Baby's will eat anything they can put in their mouths. They haven't developed a taste for anything yet they just want to try everything. And btw op don't prepare meals just blend up a sweet potato and he will eat when he's hungry.

maybe you dont have a child, maybe you actually have a cat

Isa_fml 20

Kids can be so strange sometimes.

Maybe somebody needs to buy a few Julia Child videos.

It's possible that he may have PICA and his body is crazy certain nutrients. You should take him to his pediatrician and let them do a blood draw for deficiencies.

Op said the Pediatrician isn't worried about it, but I guess the possibility is still open. Most babies and kids are a bit picky though.

leahmae88 7

Maybe you should take him to the Doctor's or something?

nevershouttami 11

Why is everyone referring to OP's child as "her" when it says "him" in the FML...

I just noticed that as well! And even after your comment, people are still doing it!