
By fucking SUCKS let's do it LIIIIIIIVEEEEEEEEE! - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my girlfriend jumped into my arms for a kiss. She's done it before, but this time I wasn't expecting it. I fell backwards, straight through my glass coffee table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 357
You deserved it 2 125

Top comments

Oh my, I hope you are able to replace it. Don't be angry, she was just trying to be romantic... In a rough way

Hopefully neither of you got hurt from the glass. And hopefully it wont be to expensive to replace.


The table will be the least of your worries when she twists it into you thinking she is fat for not being able to lift her

Mathalamus 24

Pretty sure most ladies aren't that petty. You can't reasonably lift and hold a grown human.

Yep, this is why I don't have a girlfriend. It saves me… trouble. It does. It really does. I'm being very serious, and it's a voluntary decision.

Yeah, that's good. Go with that, 16. "Do you have a gf?" "No, I would but I don't want glass in my ass and all the furniture expense"

Speaking of glass in the ass... Have anyone here watched Glass Ass? It's so... "cute" (please, get your eyes hurt like mine ;-;)

With a girlfriend like that, everything is on the table. So expect the unexpected, always. Otherwise you're just glassking for trouble.

I'm more concerned about your back and the shards of glass. Plz follow up I need to know if your ok

91hayek 31

If he's posting here he's probably okay. Or has really bad priorities. I'd say the former.

really? What is she 5. It might be cute the first one or two times that she done it. But after that point she needs not to be doing stuff like that. She needs to act her age not her shoe size. and be considerate of where you were positioned. And doing something like that and causing something like that I would feel really bad personally if it were me that did it

leogachi 15

@24 It says that she's done it before, not that she does it all the time. As for being mindful of where they are, if he was able to catch her before it's reasonable to assume he could do it again. I'd say the only concern is making sure Op is paying attention.

Seriously? If they like it, what does it matter if you do?

I agree with you. I just don't think this is romantic or cute. It's obnoxious and inconsiderate

leogachi 15

I saw your gf's submission in moderation before I saw your post. I turned it down because she didn't properly format it. Back on topic, I hope you two are okay. Falling through a table must be awful.

well she sounds like a delightful gf, im sure the table is replacable and hopefully no one was hurt from the fall or shards of glass