Things ain't changed much

By anon - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Costa Mesa

Today, I was telling my dad that scientists had discovered a new sea creature. He said it was all BS and that scientists just make things up to cover conspiracies. I'm a biological sciences major. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 162
You deserved it 1 743

Top comments

So be honest OP, what conspiracy are you trying to cover up?

Your dad is saying that so you believe less and less in conspiracy theories because he works for the government. Put on your tinfoil hat everyone.


Go ahead and tell us what conspiracy theory is being covered up by "new sea creature found".

Geckosrock99 33

Why doesn't your dad understand that if a new species was to be discovered, it would most likely be underwater? The sea is vast and we can't go to the bottom of the ocean.

If I'm not wrong, humans have already been to the deepest part of the ocean. This doesn't mean there aren't new species that remain to be discovered.

MonstreBelle 28

Well ****, 35, I accidentally thumbed down your comment. Sorry about that! If I remember correctly, James Cameron did in fact make a successful dive to the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the last couple of years.

Yes :) I also remembering watching on Discovery Channel how they dove and found another liquid at the bottom of the ocean! It was like a small lake within the ocean, very interesting stuff

MonstreBelle 28

And they say FML is a waste of time. I just learned something new!

Yeah! Those "underwater lakes" and "underwater rivers" are, if I recall correctly, basically just ultra-salinated water that's denser and kinda separates from the surrounding water. They're neat as heck.

Is this really an FML? Your dad was probably joking

It would be a bigger FML if he was the bio major.

teribaby89 9

But foreal... what new species did the scientists discover? I'm genuinely curious.

Well, you're only responsible for what you say, not for what other people think.

Sadly you chose to have a conversation with somebody with a limited IQ and expected an intelligent response, I had a similar conversation with a friend when I tried to explain that our sun is a star that is just close to us.

MaleficusTheUnsung 16

So wut was the new sea creature??? Lulz