The audacity

By fuckthat! - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff - United States - Madison

Today, my soon-to-be ex-husband had the audacity to ask if the woman he cheated on me with could be in the delivery room while I give birth to our baby. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 579
You deserved it 406

Top comments

Sure... if you really wanna experience a birth and then a death in the same day.

"Right now, HONEY, that comment makes me think that not only is SHE barred from the same ZIP CODE as the hospital where I'll be giving birth, I'm seriously reconsidering whether YOU will be allowed."


I hope you told him to piss off and you can organise a good friend or relative to support you.

If he would have asked me that, he’d need his own hospital room because I would have ripped his penis off with my bare hands. Doubt the mistress would want the cheating bastard after that. Sorry you got stuck with a ****** like that, OP.

I'd tell him no, and that he can't be there either. Jesus christ. What's wrong with people? :/ I'm sorry.

Please tell him that both him and the woman are not allowed in the room (do not forget to inform the staff at the hospital as well). The woman has no right to be involved, whereas for the ex, the fact that he had the audacity to ask makes him even worse than he already is. There are some who would let the ex be there to witness the birth of his child, but the fact that he gives zero effs about you and the child, and then tries to get the woman involved? Bye, Felicia!

tlang 10

say no but Jesus Christ don't get a divorce over it people say things that they wish they could take back just call him out for it

Oh honey. Sounds like he is a narcissist and she is too. You dodged a MAJOR BULLET. I know in time you will find a real man and father to raise your child with if you want to:) Sending you and your little one blessings <3