Red faces all round

By ladyhavery - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my hot co-worker had to use my computer, so he called me while I was at lunch for my login password. It was his name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 876
You deserved it 50 205

Top comments

Could easily have explained it as someone elses name.. which happened to be the same as his..


catsareahmazing 0
ScreamTillYouBle 0

Suck to be you... Maybe you should change it and tell him that someone dared you to do it... or your brothers name is that too; unless he has a name like alejandro DONT CALL MA NAME DONT CALL MY NAME ALEJANDRO ALEJANDRO ALE-ALEJANDRO ALE-ALEJANDRO ;]]]

katiebabygirl 0

I remember doing that I'm grade 4..

skyeyez9 24

Tell him it was your childhood best friend's name.

i would just say oh its my cousins name. lol. or my brother etc..

I agree with #1 tots kute but tots embarassing! I do that too XD