
By pandaface - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, to wipe his crack, my boyfriend is still using a newspaper that I left there when he first started refusing to buy toilet paper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 215
You deserved it 5 913

Top comments


and you're still going out with him? YDI!

this is just really, really disgusting. gross.

ohdarlindearest 0

I refuse to believe this. using newspaper would probably give you a nasty cut there.

... no it wouldn't. In fact I'd say newspaper is the sort of paper least likely to deliver a papercut.

Get a new boyfriend . If he's that lazy when wiping his ass , I can only imagine what else he's lazy at.

Why is he refusing to use toilet paper? Either way, he's using trees... If that has anything to do with it.

He isn't refusing to use it. Dumbass.

Why are you still describing this looser as "my boyfriend"?

*GASP* I dont ******* care!! how is this bad on YOU anyway? it's HIS crack.