Personality crisis

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Marietta

Today, I told my dad about my new diet. He somehow figured I was only doing it to look more attractive to guys, because he told me my weight is fine and that it's just my personality that needs work. Thanks a lot, Dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 945
You deserved it 1 999

Top comments

He's got a point; as a guy, nothing is more attractive than a gal on a diet. I can barely contain myself when I hear about somebody doing Atkins. And forget about fellatio, all I care about is paleo. You're just trying to tempt us with your sexy, sexy food intake restrictions.

CrassKal 27

Depending on the specifics, that advice might be sound. There are many negative personality traits that can chase away others, and that a person would likely do better without. Perhaps you can get ask an unbiased source if they notice any behaviors of yours that can send the wrong message or come off as unpleasant.


Well how tall are you + how much do you weigh?

If you value your life, never ask a woman how much she weighs!

how is that relevant? he just wants to know why the dad said that.

tiptoppc 19

If she’s large, you can ask at a close distance and then run for it. She’ll be slow. If she’s skinny, best to use a bullhorn with a long lead start to avoid injury. If she does javelin as a sport, well… no distance is safe.

Well at least you are bothering to keep in shape OP.

Andrmelon 7

Let's just hope your dad doesn't start giving you tips on your personality

It sounds like it's your dad that needs to work on his personality...

CrassKal 27

Depending on the specifics, that advice might be sound. There are many negative personality traits that can chase away others, and that a person would likely do better without. Perhaps you can get ask an unbiased source if they notice any behaviors of yours that can send the wrong message or come off as unpleasant.

Yeah, but I thought the point was she isn't doing it just to attract boys like her dad said? I'm guessing her personality is just fine.

We don't know that. We only heard her side. He may be correct.

Sounds like dear old dad was the one with the negative personality trait here. His line of reasoning was- oh, you are doing something positive and healthy for yourself? Rather than encourage you, I'll discourage that AND throw in criticizing you as a person.

CrassKal 27

Ah, I see I misread it as "figured OUT" which does change the context of the story. Regardless he may still have a point. I know my personality is the largest blockade in my romantic endeavors. I recognize my personal flaws and try to improve on them.

You are here bitching about it, maybe he's right.

It would seem you've submitted an FML of your own, yet when the OP does the same, she's bitching about something. Does your personality also require work?

aren't daddies great? LMFAO I miss mine dearly....He was a BEST FRIEND and told me about my own shit lol.... He's brutal BUT you'll thank him later....

He's got a point; as a guy, nothing is more attractive than a gal on a diet. I can barely contain myself when I hear about somebody doing Atkins. And forget about fellatio, all I care about is paleo. You're just trying to tempt us with your sexy, sexy food intake restrictions.