Embarrassing little secret

By FML - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend forced me to climb out through his window, because he was too embarrassed at the thought of his roommate finding out I'd spent the night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 478
You deserved it 5 678

Top comments


ayooBrandon 12

They'll probably be more surprised to see he has a girl

At least tell us you weren't 10 storeys up. Kick his ass through the next window you see.

Buttsexpirate 9

Them boys be secret lovers, My brown eye tells me these kinds of things.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

You shoulda walked out his door like a boss and say "Kiss my ass, I prefer easy way out". xD

Your boyfriend is an asshole, and you are a doormat if you actually did as he demanded. God damn it, stand up for yourself!

You don't have to be so harsh on her lol.

twifan1901 0

Maybe he is secretly cheating on you with his room mate and told him you two broke up :) or maybe he's just embarrassed of you

Am I the only one that automatically assumed OP is male?

dodgegirl23 0

Now that u mention i see it too; this fml makes so much more sense that way Edit: Was I the first person to ever use a semi-colon in fml?

No; however, you were the first to use it with otherwise ******-up grammar. :P

Not everything in fml ******* means, "dumb the bf or gf!" **** you for being so damn dumb about shit.