It's a gas gas gas

By riappp - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I farted in my cubicle thinking no one would smell it. Two seconds later, everyone came to my cubicle to wish me a happy birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 321
You deserved it 42 054

Top comments

EmoGeo 0
mkb_fml 0

I had a job where people seemed to always come into my cube specifically to fart, and then leave.


EmoGeo 0
pedosmurf 7

I think it's good she's giving them a present even though it's her bday

"I don't get it...?" She thought she let out a fart nobody would smell, but her coworkers visited her at her cubicle and probably smelled the stinch. I've been there. I was working in an office by myself, all day, and I let out a series of pretty nasty ones which reeked *for me*. The one time, out of 5 hours, somebody came to see me in the room was right after these farts. Gross.

today's lesson - don't fart on your birthday?

mkb_fml 0

I had a job where people seemed to always come into my cube specifically to fart, and then leave.

Inkspell 2

#7, judging by your way of speaking, i'd say your either an 11 year old or just a big hypocrite ;D anyway, wow, that's such bad luck. lol, maybe they coudn't smell it by everyone being there and stuff and ..idk

jojo23jojo23 0

you shouldn't fart on your birthday :(

There are way too many cubicle fart jokes on this site. Boring