Trauma for life

By he's still not convinced - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while visiting my mother, she asked my son who his favorite parent was. As a growing boy, he chose his father. I don't mind, except she then asked, "So, whose side are you taking in the divorce?" My husband and I have no marital issues. My son refuses to believe us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 907
You deserved it 3 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mother is despicable. Why would she even do that?

Grauncho 27

She's attempting to plant the seed that will grow into an inevitable divorce. Clever girl.


That'd be the last time for a long time (if ever) mom got a visit from us.

Maybe the husband and the mother had a talk behind OPs back, and everything isn't going as great as she thought? Or grandma's just a ****. Either way, this should be straightened out ASAP.

perdix 29

You're obviously in denial; you do have a marital issue: your mother. Next time, marry a man Momma approves of and all will be well. Consider your current husband as a rookie mistake.

And why exactly? OP doesn't have to live the life her mother wants her to live. OP has a child, so am I sure she can make choices without mommy's approval.

perdix 29

#42, please refer to my humor-impaired comment above.

That sarcasm was a little hard to spot.

Perdix always uses humor like this, and I appreciate the subtlety of the sarcasm.

Not finding something you wrote funny does not equate to humor impairment. Sometimes sarcasm just doesn't work, especially on the Internet.

notsofriendly 17

Guess you're going to choose your dad too after that one

monnanon 13

Wow. Either your mom knows something you don't or she's a nasty wench trying to sow dissention.

Sounds like a joke to me. Perhaps not the best one but all quite innocent.