Toilet trouble

By FckMyLife - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while at the mall I opened a bathroom stall thinking nobody was in there. The door just didn't close properly. I hit an elderly woman in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 292
You deserved it 10 168

Top comments

I don't see the problem with this. if the door is open, you assume nobody is in there. And just because she old, it doesn't mean she close a damn door.

kinga08 0

Did she stumble and fall into the toilet? I mean, old people usually experience loss of coordination. No but in all seriousness, I hope she's okay and next time look for feet!


why was she leaning forward so her head could be hit first? "ma'am, please only do your exercise stretches in the comfort of you town home. thankyou and enjoy the rest of your day.. just not too much."

Which is why you should check for feet under the stalls.

Wouldn't it hit her knees first? What's her head doing way up by her knees?

CateXOX 0

This would probably be more appropriate as an FHerLife. How does it affect you? Oh right your public humiliation.

RedPillSucks 31

Meh. Could be worse. You could have been a guy.

fuckyourlifetooo 0

ha that's just terrible. I think it was worse for the old lady ;)