By DaddyZ - 27/06/2010 13:30 - United States

Today, my youngest son thought that RedBull actually gave him wings. What it actually gave him was a trip to the ER and 7 stitches. It also gave me a meeting with social services. FML
I agree, your life sucks 486
You deserved it 70

Top comments

Holy crap, this is the be the biggest bunch of self righteous people jumping to conclusions I've ever seen in one place. You have no clue where he got the Red Bull from, NOR do you have any idea how young the son was. So anyone complaining about the guy "giving" a "little kid" a Red Bull, are you psychic or something? Were you there? No you weren't, so stop pulling details out of your rear end.

redbull it gives you wings!!!!!!! ahhhhhh


if he's too young to understand that, he's way too young to have red bull. I was lucky to get Coke or something when I was a kid due to caffeine content, much less energy drinks. ydi for failing at parenting on multiple levels

Okay, i'm really scared to ask: WHAT IS "RATING"?? is it even a good thing?? please!! help me out here? :(

haha just proves how stupid i am: "RANKING" not rating.... anyway, please? im ******* stupid here??

Ranking is how often you've voted on the stories you want to see. I don't know about the app, but on the website, there is a red link at the top saying "Moderate the FMLs". You click it, vote for the stories, and that's it. The person who does that the most out of all the users is #1, the second most is #2, and so on. My ranking is 0 because I haven't voted since the rank system was created. :]

For a project, a friend of mine sent a letter to redbulll claiming he jumped off a building after drinking a redbull and broke his arm. They sent him a nice letter, some posters, some coupons, and a few dvds of their sponsored pros, it was pretty cool.

if it makes you feel any better, my younger brother took a header off Grampa's porch onto some lovely sharp rocks one easter because he decided he was Superman. Fortunately it was during the golden age of sanity, where social workers realized that boys do stupid shit on occasion without encouragement from their parents, so afaik my mother never faced inquiry.

Gosh, put your damn redbull up. If he's young enough to think redbull actually gives you wings, then he's way too young to be drinking it. Energy drinks are bad for you, and kids have too much energy as it is. D=

Also, shut up about suing redbull. It is the parent's decision to buy the product, and his responsibility to establish a safe environment for his child as well as keep an eye on the kid. There's no reason to blame the product here.

Omg i did that bullshit all the time when i was young! Now they consider it the parents fault? Its not my moms fault i tagged my bro into a table or got the dog to bite me, its part of the learning process. Cps is stupid, and your kid is learning.

kh8975 4

ydi for having redbull around in the open for it and for having it in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if your kid got taken away.