By nightbirdblue - 31/05/2013 18:00 - United States

Today, my mom has gone completely insane and insists we only flush the toilet or wash our hands at the start or end of the day, "to save on bills." My young sister thinks it's the best idea ever. My mom makes our food, and my sister just loves to touch everyone's faces. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 427
You deserved it 2 908

nightbirdblue tells us more.

I know. I tried to explain, but that got me screamed at. My mom accused me of acting like the parent and cussed me out.

Top comments

ThatGuyWhoTalks 10
michaelm1290 23

If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down


Seems to me, that proper hygeine would prevent the family from being sick. Being sick means you cant get to work. Even if this just happens for ONE day in a whole year, you saved money.

That is actually nothing. Washing your hands after using bathroom is fine, but you get bacteria the minute you use a towel or paper towel to dry your hands. So washing your hands is worthless. But not flushing? Not good idea because of the odor it might spread, and it might clog up. FYL on the toilet thing.

I don't know. I thought that washing your hands after using the bathroom was important because the bacteria is from your private parts and urine and feces and at least there is less of that on the towel than your hands.

Well your mom will. Change her mind when you guys all get hepatitis! Good luck OP...your mom needs to learn cleanliness and quick!

That is seriously disgusting. Some very wretched infections are spread through human waste.

For everyone suggesting hand sanitizer, it only does so much, not to mention it kills the good bacteria, as well as dries out your skin and is loaded with other chemicals that are also very bad for you, not to mention it doesn't clean off dirt or grime. Oh and it also doesn't kill the worst of the illnesses that you can get from not washing your hands

Bigfabthetruth52 22

Thats just go crazy in that house.

bamagrl410 31

Just reading this FML made me nauseous. I'd be handing over my paychecks & sacrificing things as long as it meant I could continue to be sanitary. That's one thing I just don't play around with.

SierraCheyenne 8

Throw a Germ-X bottle at her. Maybe she'll get the idea then...

mansen 15

Although it grossed me the heck out as a kid/teen, when we had to save on water when getting a new well dug (happened more than once) we saved the bath/shower water in one of those huge plastic garbage bins. Then used a bucket to flush the toilet with the bath water. Be sure to dump it into the basin forcefully and stand well back to avoid the splashback that always happens *shudder* but it works. Reuses the water from showers, lets you flush the toilet and possibly will convince your mom that the saving on water there is enough to let you wash your hands. We also saved rain water in the big plastic garbage bins to wash our hair in....melted snow for same thing, and washing dishes....ah, the times I do not like to remember. At least we had water having the well run completely dry and having to go out into the woods to go to the bathroom....*huddles in corner from the memories*

Hand sanitizer and Lysol will be a must in my room if that happened