By fightingkittens - 19/11/2010 06:07 - United States

Today, my ballet teacher decided to tell us, in detail, about the nasty staph infection she has on her boob. The whole time, she was scratching it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 414
You deserved it 2 815

fightingkittens tells us more.

Feeling better? It's one thing to talk about the drama in one's personal life, as long as the details aren't too.......well, you get it. It's another thing to talk about a staph infection. I've done research in this field, I know how bad it is. There is no way I could have escaped hearing it unless I had left the classroom; she was out of line here.

Top comments

FML commenters are usually so stupid that their understanding of the differences between they're, their, and there is nonexistent.

ballerinas are usually so skinny that there boobs are non existent


nothing like some staphylococcus bacteria infection to brighten someones day :) ah the normal microbiota of the skin

Feeling better? It's one thing to talk about the drama in one's personal life, as long as the details aren't too.......well, you get it. It's another thing to talk about a staph infection. I've done research in this field, I know how bad it is. There is no way I could have escaped hearing it unless I had left the classroom; she was out of line here.

Yes, ballet! The most graceful and calming of dances! :D (SARCASM IMPLIED!)

Well, it's graceful, anyway..............

I can vouch for her.. this is very true.. we have to be in the same class!

Really, Ozark? Your dance teacher has told you about her infection right above her nipple? That's amazing.

ImafukNskittleYO 4

She'll probably lose that boob because of that, miss whiny-ass. My mom did.

I'll ignore your failed attempt at being an asshole (you're just a douche instead) and just say no, she didn't lose her boob. Haven't asked about it, but the boob is still there.

I used to be a provincial competitive gymnast, and competitive dancer... I know what you mean about the anorexic thing. :/ I mean, even if you're fine with your body to begin with, they will still tell you to lose weight so you're easier to throw around, look better on stage, etc. And also, it's none of anybody else's business! :P A staph infection.... Isn't that like, necrotizing fasciitis?!?!!?.... In any case I believe it's extremely contagious and she should take time off and NOT be touching the infection. :'[ Xo

Jesus. Go do some fact checking about necrotizing fasciitis and staph infections and get back to me. They are NOT the same thing. There are few things I hate more than misinformed commenters.