By juno_op - 11/02/2013 18:17 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I found out I'm pregnant. It's okay, I know who the father is: my ex-boyfriend, who moved to Japan last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 056
You deserved it 12 026

juno_op tells us more.

Hiii, I'm the OP. thanks for all the lovely comments, although there's a few that aren't very nice. I'm 24 btw, not 16, and I did use birth control, but you do know it's only 99% safe, right? These things can sadly happen. And we broke up because he was going.

Top comments

Some how he figured it out before you did and he got the heck out of dodge!

unknown_user5566 26

I hope for your baby's sake that you two broke up on good terms, and that it wasn't a really rough split. If you choose to have your baby your ex can still help you provide for him/her, it just won't be as simple since he's in another country. Good luck, OP. Definitely a tough situation.


I would still try to contact him and let him know.

I agree with #147. I am adopted also and i am very happy with my life :)

Adoption. If you aren't emotionally and financially ready to be a parent, give it to a couple who is married and committed to being an amazing parent. Open adoptions allow you to see the child and receive photos and letters to and from them. Save a life and give the gift of a lifetime for some lucky couple who have probably been waiting years to try and conceive with no luck, or on an adoption list. Best of luck to you. But really consider all your options.

I don't know about okay... That sucks a lot.

I hope you decided to have your baby and not kill it. Good luck though!

PuckerXios 1

Also, The OP isn't from American... and it's not just an "american" idea but more or less a religious idea.

Didn't want the child? Shouldn't have had sex. Simple.

I hate when I see these FMLs and you don't know if contraceptives were used or not... I really don't know what to think.

OP stated they used birth control, but it's not 100% effective.