By now afraid... - 03/04/2016 17:28 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I found a bowl of green beans just sitting in my microwave. The only person in my life who ever eats green beans is my psycho ex-girlfriend. She moved out three months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 736
You deserved it 81

Top comments

I'm wondering if this was just a terrible April Fools prank by someone in your life who not only has access to your dwelling, but knows about your psycho ex's enjoyment of green beans. If not, run.


metalcrazed 21

She probably made a copy of your apartment key,just tell your landlord she's crazy and may have a key he will change the locks. Might be best if you don't tell him about the green beans though.

Pretend to make a call to pest control if she is living in the walls she would probably leave I would also change locks and setup cameras in your room before you sleep

Am I the only person who interpreted this post to mean OP doesn't use his microwave oven very often, and stumbled upon a gross, mouldy bowl of beans?

I had the same thought until I looked at the OP's username. Then again, moldy green beans could be a terrifying sight to behold, too.

Bad April fools joke- or you need to do some serious spring cleaning.

Why does everyone think there's a weird green bean-leaving stalker in the house? It makes more sense that the microwave just hasn't been used since she was there.

because she moved out 3 months ago. if a bowl of green beans was just hanging out in his microwave for 3 months it wouldn't resemble green beans anymore, just a big pile of mush and mold

Plus the OP's username is "now afraid". I doubt he'd be afraid if he just happened across gross green beans. Although they could be terrifying in their own way, I guess.

who doesn't like green beans? seriously, I don't know anyone who hates them

lemonlaide 9

So either 1. You haven't used the microwave since she moved out so that bowl has been sitting there for 3 months. 2. She's crazy and flounder a way in to leave that bowl of green beans as a warning of some kind. 3. It's a joke someone your close with played on you to freak you out. Either way talk to your ex and your friends about it in a calm and adult manner. Because that's the only way you can get your friends to fess up and or that's the only way you can get your ex off your back. If it was her she wants to freak you out so don't let that show.

Wtf do you mean "my" microwave? Thats not your microwave. Thats not even your house anymore. You're moving far far away.