By ironwoman23 - 28/03/2015 00:23 - United States - East Alton

Today, I discovered that when my mom can't sleep, she comes into my room and reads my text messages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 091
You deserved it 3 274

ironwoman23 tells us more.

I do have a password! She makes me give it to her. Now I know why.. And to those asking I found out by waking up to her next to me on my phone, then quickly running out of my room

Top comments

I hope you had a long talk...Talk about invasion of privacy.

Sounds like you two need to have a serious talk about privacy. and it might be a good idea to put a password on your phone for in the future


Everyone saying 'YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE IT TO HER YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PRIVACY' has obviously never had overbearing parents. All you'll get for that is being screamed at for 'hiding something', being grounded/having privileges taken away, and basically have your life made a living hell. It's honestly not that easy, like, do you expect the mom to say "OH, if you put it THAT way..."? My mom would have beat my ass or been like "I guess you don't need your phone then". I can agree with deleting your messages before you go to sleep, though you should probably leave some random pointless ones so she doesn't think you're hiding something.

Fmls like this make me immensely glad my parents were/are so laid back. I didnt feel the need to hide stuff from them cause they trusted me enough to respect my privacy and not go through my stuff. Granted, I was never one to sneak around. And to those saying that teens shouldn't have privacy, that logic is how you end up with a rebellious child that does stupid shit. Every living being on this planet has a right to privacy.

Wow, way to invade your children's privacy.

I would shut off my phone completely and have it tucked away. Somewhere she won't be able to get it without waking you up.

This is why you put a password on your phone

And this is the prime example for why I keep a lock on my phone. Even if there isn't something crazy personal at the time on your phone that doesn't mean it's ok for her to go through your txt. If you wanted her to know you'd show her. Time to lock your phone!!!

boydope420 8

You don't have a password on your phone?

1. that's why pass code locks exist. 2 invasion of privacy much