By Dumbass - 20/06/2009 06:01 - United States

Today, I bought a new mailbox to replace the old one that was stolen. Two hours after I put the new mailbox up, the old one was back and the new one was missing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 443
You deserved it 35

Top comments

haha! thats hilarious! they probbaly preferred the new one. if i were you i'd check the neighbourhood for your new one.

Dude you either have a possessed mailbox post or an asswipe of a neighbor


softballplaya822 0

who would want to steal a mailbox in the first place? I mean, of all the things you could steal... why steals mailbox?!

karenmarie 0

Who the **** steals a mail box? FYL

that is a smart way to get someone to by a new mailbox for them.

Oh man, I know the feeling. Our letterbox has been stolen three times in a month. Not sure how they got the first two out, considering they were concreted into the ground. Ah, I'm sorry, FYL too.

EPIC! they may be bastards, but those guys sure have a sense of humor!

jen_kay 0

Haha, This Is Hilarious! Still got the old Mailbox Back though, lol