By Quackadoodledoo - 16/11/2014 23:25 - United Kingdom - Nottingham

Today, after visiting friends for the weekend, I took the wrong train home. It was going in completely the opposite direction. I've now missed the last train back, will miss work tomorrow and have just been asked to vacate the train station. I'm 120 miles from home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 266
You deserved it 5 773

Quackadoodledoo tells us more.

I was watching a tv series on my tablet...after one episode (45 minutes) I looked on Google maps to see how far I had got and that's when I realised! It was a cross country train and the next station was 60 miles from where I got on the train. A place called Darlington. If I had stayed on the train all the way I would have ended up on Edinburgh!

Top comments

Dreamsorrow93 24

If you get walking should make it home by Monday of the next week.

Ydi because you should have paid more attention, but Fyl because you are probably stuffed.


dummptyhummpty 5

I live in Darlington! Unlucky for you OP. It's a shithole. Did you make it home ok?

That's happened to me before, I fell asleep on the train and ended up in Penzance (arse end of the country) Hope you got home safe