By Bubbles_the_klut - 07/07/2015 03:21 - United States - Oswego

Today, after my boss has gotten in the habit of calling me "bubble wrap girl" at work because I'm clumsy and he claims I need to be covered in bubble wrap for my own protection, I have just probably broken two toes by dropping a hairdryer on my foot. I will never hear the end of this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 024
You deserved it 4 561

Bubbles_the_klutz tells us more.

Bubbles_the_klutz 9

OP here, thankfully my toes are not broken after all. And for those asking how a hair dryer could possibly do that, it's easy. The more times you break a bone, the easier it is to re-break. So no, my hair dryer is not made of concrete, I'm just fragile...

Top comments

Bubble wrap would be so fun to wear though? Like, you'd be happy wherever you went

Actually they grow stronger after they've healed for a long time. Unless they've been broken repetitively within a short time frame


On the bright side your cast will protect you better than bubble wrap buaha

Lie and say you beat your little brother in DDR and he stomped on your foot.

I'd suggest lying, then them someone dropped a 5 gallon water cooler bottle on your foot at Home Depot or something.

Well when the joke comes up pop a bubble or two it should relieve the stress... Everyone is a little clumsy at times don't worry about it OP

Psycho_Babydoll 26

This is actually adorable. Some of my friends say the same about me, because I manage to hurt myself all the time (no joke, I once cut myself with a shampoo bottle) and the sentiment behind it is really cute. Sucks about your toes though, but bless. :) Bubble wrap people.

how the **** does a hairdryer break 2 toes?

Nonexistentguy 7

That must be a hairdryer made a stone if it could break 2 of your toes that easily

Iguessithappens2 11

Not trying to be mean but can you just simply be more watchful of your surroundings?

britbrat237 14

Sounds like the ER is busy today

msmedieval 11

Don't feel bad OP, there are lots of us clumsy people around. Embrace it :)