By shadyladyhh - 09/09/2014 21:00 - United States

Today, a middle-aged customer tried to pay for a $2 ice cream bar with a credit card. It was declined, so he made me swipe it again. Declined. "Quit touching the metal strip," he scowled. I held the outer edge of it and swiped. Declined. He then bitched me out as his mother paid for him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 484
You deserved it 3 299

shadyladyhh tells us more.

shadyladyhh 11

Then the mom bought him another one 15 minutes later. Sugar free ones cost a little more, so she was mad about that too.

Top comments

Lebeaugars95 20

F his life, his mom still has pay for him and he doesn't even have 2 dollars to his name

The best part of working with customers...


trellz17 19

He knew he didn't have the money to pay for it. Idiot should've asked him mom beforehand to pay for it or just not get it at all.

PoisonOrchid 21

That's what I'm saying. If dude is that broke, why is he attempting to spend his money on ice cream in the first place?!

trellz17 19

Maybe he thought his bank was gonna pay for it and he'd just have to pay the overdraft fee. Guess not though.

PoisonOrchid 21

Maybe. Would explain why he's broke in the first place.

Or he was in denial. I've had many a customer who insist they have the right amount of money. I tell them to go down to the cash point and pay cash...most of the time they don't come back, it's too embarrassing.

schhichick 14

This is why dolphins are better than people

Uh... dolphins are actually pretty nasty. They're known to rape people plus they beat the shit out of other creatures just for fun. But at least they're cute!

cryssycakesx3 22

"rape people" though... I really hate when people through that word around. I've heard quite the opposite about dolphins though, that they're actually really nice. if you run into one in the ocean they'll lead you out of danger.

This doesn't apply to the fml but I actually read an article recently about dolphins and apparently they DO rape people and other dolphins. They're one of the only animals,besides us (and I believe primates), that have sex for pleasure, not just to procreate. So biologically it makes sense that they commit rape. They're beautiful animals but assuming the article I read was credible, I found that really interesting (and horrifying).

53 - It's not as if I'm making a rape joke. I hate those. I'm just stating a fact.

It's true. Dolphins have been reported to rape humans and other dolphins.

Another species that's kind of a "sexual deviant" are [emperor] penguins. They're known to engage in homosexual sex, which is strange but kinda fine, but also tend to not care for getting the consent of the partner, for not caring whether the partner has a pulse or not and for thinking that "age is just a number anyways". Yep, penguins have been observed to be homophiliac, necrophiliac, pedophiliac rapists.

CaniCookyou 1

Yeah I can never look at dolphins or penguins the same way again. o.O

Also, mallard ducks. The males usually rape the females within the group (that's how most of their procreation occurs). However, if there are no female ducks to be found, drakes will rape the less-dominant males.

shadyladyhh 11

I'm kind of new here, but does FML change wording after they approve FMLs or anything? This was mine...they just changed one word.

shadyladyhh 11

Then the mom bought him another one 15 minutes later. Sugar free ones cost a little more, so she was mad about that too.

Woah, you guys have sugar free ice cream? I wish I had some. *sigh* So hard to find sugar free anything over here.

Hard to find sugar free? It's hard to find dairy free. We should make an ice cream shop that sells sugar free and dairy free ice cream.

Comet_Candy 23

Excuse my ignorance but dairy free ice cream exists? That just sounds crazy awesome!

Dairy free ice cream comes from the same companies that make soy milk and rice milk. When I was younger it was all I was allowed to have, even though I'm not lactose intolerant. I liked them at the time but now I much prefer regular dairy ice cream. But some of the rice dream icecream is okay too, it just tastes different and is less creamy.

There's also one that made with coconut milk. Friend of mine loves it.

Simple home project. You take a bucket of regular tap water and put it in your freezer for about 5 hours or so. Voila, instant dairy and sugar free ice cream.

except for the fact that It is not one bit creamy. The other substitutes at least as some dairy alternative and flavor to them.

They also make ice cream with coconut milk.

Freezing banana slices and putting them in a food processor for a few minutes apparently makes something similar to icecream too. :)

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Now there's a guy who doesn't take responsibility for his life.

Ah, the joys of working retail/hospitality jobs

And this why I hated working in customer service.