Thanks Andrew Lloyd Webber

By bdavis - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was using a power drill to take down the set for the musical we just finished. My long hair got caught in the drill, got ripped out, and now I have a hurting, bleeding bald spot the size of 2 quarters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 217
You deserved it 14 867

Top comments

i agree, you should put your hair up, or at least see that it's getting close to the drill. and is it the size and shape of 2 quarters, like a figure 8? or just a half dollar?

cater2U 0

well this is a big ydi that's one of the first rules of operating power tools besides not usig it around water


kelaine 4

it's called a ponytail, learn how to use it

YDI When using power tools you need to be careful!

daughterofabitch 4

You didn't need to say that, we can all tell.

Dude you shouldve tied up your hair or something before you started. I mean seriously...

mintstashinurtea 5

note to self: don't use a power drill unless you know what your doing.

I know a girl who nearly got scalped after failing to heed the teacher's warning about tying her hair back. Sound familiar?

I think I just threw up In my mouth a little:•(

First rule of tools dummy! Tie up loose articles of clothing and hair.