
By Emily Salt - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, whilst nibbling on my husband's ear, I swallowed a lump of his earwax. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 992
You deserved it 25 653

Top comments

You nibble, not suck. And either way, you'd be able to spit it out.

sparklestar69 1


Your hubby needs some hygiene lessons. Noone should have wax falling out like that. Perhaps his doctor can give him a professional cleaning to get him caught up.

tiftif567 0

well sometimes you just can't get all the wax out maybe it was far back and the q-tip didn't reach and it finally loosened up but unfortantly in his wife's mouth

fthku 13

Has anyone else here been seriously nauseated by this?

fthku 13

Seriously. I can watch the goriest of movies without a problem, but this and the FML about the manicurist finding a booger under the OP's fingernail absolutely nauseated me. Blech..

MrsxBillxKaulitz 5

yeah I felt sick after reading it! sooo gross

yah this nasty chic who apparently sucks her husbands ear waaaay too hard so did not need to share

me too, i was fine with all the saw movies but this and the one about the guy swallowing his girlfriends phlegm almost made me vomit.

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. That is downright foul.

mmm, I always wondered what that beautiful smell was whilst sexing.

That is disgusting. I actaully felt nauseated reading this. You should tell your husband to wash his ears, or whatever you're meant to do if you have an earwax problem..

Dejaay 2

EW, I felt like puking when I read this ;/

Hawkcody1958 1

omg that is so foul, tell your hubby to use q tips.I just puked a bit anyone else?