Spy vs Spy

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Portland

Today, I caught my mother-in-law trying to plant a GPS tracker on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 363
You deserved it 2 185

Top comments

Draw the line there. She has no reason to be doing that & you need to have a sit down talk with her about your privacy.

Beyto7000 20

Looks like she isn't above the In-law stereotype.


Beyto7000 20

Looks like she isn't above the In-law stereotype.

Why the hell was the "not sure I'm following you" comment down voted? It's one of few good puns on fml, and better than any obligatory "shitty situation" comment...

psychopolarbear 28

Maybe not, #48, but her mother-in-law might be following just fine.

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leogachi 15

Trying to make sure she isn't cheating is not a reasonable excuse for planting a GPS chip on her car.

2 never said it was. He was just guessing at 2 reasons why she'd do that.

What would she want that for? Sounds a bit stalkerish

Draw the line there. She has no reason to be doing that & you need to have a sit down talk with her about your privacy.

JocelynKaulitz 28

If you haven't confronted her, I say you pretend not to notice. Then plant the tracker on her own car or something.

What a creative way to use technology.

That's when you walk over there and ask her what the hell she's doing.

juststephhere 23

I feel like parents are far too overly protective of their children... To the point of GPS tracking their spouse.

Tell your spouse... Maybe he/she doesn't know she's stalking you... Hopefully you can find a way to cut that psycho off!

Does your spouse know about her behavior? They might understand. Sounds like something all of you need to sit down and talk about.


Set up a few afternoon rendevous' at local hotels with your husband. If she is not following you, she won't know you are with him and will end up showing her true colors when she "breaks the news" to her son.