
By sqquish - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Smithfield

Today, while visiting my boyfriend to see his new puppies, I squatted down to pet one. The other began to lick my ankles profusely until I lost my balance and fell on him, breaking his leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 582
You deserved it 4 818

Top comments

Rei_Ayanami 18

Please tell me that the poor puppy got medical care and not put down.


Are you paying for the vet bill. Or at least helping with the cost

You couldn't put your hand down first to stop you fall? You couldn't flick your ass out the way of the puppy? It wasn't like you were running at full pelt and couldn't control your fall, but from a stationary squatting position? Are you ******* unco? Do you have no awareness of your surroundings? You broke a goddamn puppy's leg. I'm actually really angry. You don't deserve to be near puppies.

Obviously it was an accident because notice that OP says they LOST BALANCE!!! Just because YOU think OP should never be around puppies... Well I have you know that I broke my 8 year old dog's leg and after the whole veterinarian bill, he came to me, barked and started DANCING... He DANCED! He was an old dog and could never keep HIS balance... You think he should stay away from humans? What kind of heart so u have?!?!?! Dogs can't live without happiness. Dogs can't live without care. Why don't you think about what you are going to say next time. Think about the scenarios that could be in the situation... Do you have a brain? God gave you one for a reason; time to use it. Why don't you get a dog and see how easy it is to fall on one? I think you should be glad that the dog is not dead instead of angry. At least the dog is capable of life. It isn't how hard or the way you fall on the animal, it's about what GOD thinks should happen. Just to back up OP on their side. On FML do you just go on every one you see and put negative comments? Thank you for understanding that it was an accident. Have a nice day or night depending on your work grid coordinates.

Youre a complete **** up. What If YOU were to fall on a puppies leg. How about you never go near a puppy. You need to think before you speak. Someday you could say something negative, and something really bad could/can happen. THINK!!!

I would've cried for hours. I love puppies too much! FYL, OP. Just help take care of the poor thing.

TeacherTeacher 11

You aren't planning on having children, are you?

It could be worse. Accidents happen. One time I was eating gelato in my recliner and my mom wanted some, so I got up. As I was getting up, the kitten ran under the chair. It did as recliners do and went down onto the kitten and snapped its back or neck. The kitten died right then and there.

And why might I ask am I being thumbed down? I was merely telling you that accidents can happen. People sit on their beloved frou frou killing them all the time. It doesn't make them a bad owner. Puppies die all the time from real abusers and in shelters. If you care so much about animals why do you support the livestock industries and eat eggs, milk, and meat? What about the guy who threw a boiling pot of water all over a cat that was trying to say hi? What about the dogs that were shot, poisoned and left for dead in the woods? There is a lot worse than falling on a puppy and breaking it's leg. I don't see why you are blaming the op, when you could just as easily trip and fall on your dog. Have you ever stepped on your dog by accident or kicked it while walking and it ran in the way? Let me rephrase this, have you ever rough housed or played with someone and someone got hurt? We see it all the time. Should parents who accidentally hit their kids while playing be charged and have their kids taken away from them? The best thing about an accident is hopefully you both learn to be a bit more careful. They're called accidents for a reason. Now stop being so butthurt over one puppy when many more are being put down in shelters.


how the **** does a puppy lick you enough to make you fall

TheyCallMeDamien 17

This should be the dog's FML.